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4_28_11 Meetup Files/Reference — Parallax Forums

4_28_11 Meetup Files/Reference

Kevin CookKevin Cook Posts: 159
edited 2011-04-29 18:03 in Announcements
This months presentations:

Robot Presentation - Robot Presentation Parallax.pdf
By Christian Johansen

5 minute break - Daniel Harris gets his hair cut!

Daniel Harris - Parallax Engineer

Building an Arbitrary Wave form Generator (build any wave form you want)__User Group Presentation 2011-04 Piezo Motor Controller2.pdf
By Mike Lord

Spin Tip #4 (lock bits for coordinating cog access to shared variables)
Excerpts from Chapter 3 pages 91 - 102 "Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller"
By Andy Lindsay


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