Incredibly amusing device made of LEGOs
Watch the whole video, it's awesome. Just when you think it's going to stop, it keeps going. I have to say this is one of the coolest things I've seen constructed entirely out of legos.
Watch the whole video, it's awesome. Just when you think it's going to stop, it keeps going. I have to say this is one of the coolest things I've seen constructed entirely out of legos.
Looks like You would need a whole bunch of friends to help put that Monster together.
Very nice find Micro.
That's all I got to say ..
That's I what I have to say!!!!!
Mike B.
My 10 and 14 yr old boys want to build it. Yes they have a lot of lego's. No they don't have enough to duplicate that. And No, I don't make enough $ to buy all that's required.
Looks like - if they really want to do it - there'll be a lot of lawns to mow this summer!
And Yes, Ping futures are way, way up thanks to subliminal messages like Holly's post!
But then there is this: