Skynet according to The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Posts: 726
Skynet was now implemented on April 19, 2011 and will begin its attack against humanity on April 21
Thats today!
My Prop projects seem to be acting a little funny? I wonder?
Thats today!
My Prop projects seem to be acting a little funny? I wonder?
Did Skynet rewrite history. As far as I remember this all happened in 1997. Luckily wikipedia agrees:
That date was revised for the TV series,
With all this to'ing and fro'ing in time I don't know when I am:)
"Smoke 'em if you got 'em!"
I hope your not refering to my Prop Chips?
If only we could have SkyNet rewrite history again and have the Prop2 show up two years ago!
I am showing this picture with great risk to harm.
This Picture was taken in the secret underground research lab at Parallax
The Prop 2 are installed in the heads.
What on earth is that picture? I really have to own one of those heads.
Not sure that any "Fine Corinthian Leather" ever made it's way into terminator. Or did I miss a cameo with Richardo?