DuoGFX Using two props to generate 256x192x8bit bitmap with sprites ( Vid included )

Hi All,
I'm sorry for the severe lack of presence here on the forum, but I've been through a mad busy patch with not only work, but looking for work, then work again, no rest for the wicked! anyway, things are beginning to settle again a little
phew ( I know, I shouldn't tempt fate saying that though haha )
But anyway, thought I'd let you all know, I may have been gone, but not forgot the prop, missed it like crazy! and to show my appreciation for this little gem of a chip, I'm working together with Coley on a little surprise comeback so to speak!
All will be revealed in a week or two
PS, god you guys have been busy whilst I've been gone! shed loads to read and catch up on!
Edited to add video to this post
I'm sorry for the severe lack of presence here on the forum, but I've been through a mad busy patch with not only work, but looking for work, then work again, no rest for the wicked! anyway, things are beginning to settle again a little

But anyway, thought I'd let you all know, I may have been gone, but not forgot the prop, missed it like crazy! and to show my appreciation for this little gem of a chip, I'm working together with Coley on a little surprise comeback so to speak!
All will be revealed in a week or two

PS, god you guys have been busy whilst I've been gone! shed loads to read and catch up on!
Edited to add video to this post

Welcome back! Good to hear that things are going well and in the right direction your way...
Looking forward to what you have in store! Bagger's spin is always a treat.
lets just say it'll be interesting haha
You promised!
ok ok, shock and awe
I missed seeing great demos from you.
It's been a long time coming but it will come.
@Baggers, enough teasing now, lets just get on with it! :cool:
Great to hear that things are settling down for you.
Looking forward to what you might have in the works. Here's hoping it is HOH
Not HOH yet trodoss, but I will get back to that after this!
I think you are returning in time for some excitement, too. Your sabbatical for work was well-timed. We're making some positive progress towards Propeller 2 and Parallax is going through a bit transformation for the Propeller - more on that to follow.
Ken Gracey
Hi Ken, thanks for the warm welcome back
As for the timing of my return, seems pretty good! haha, interesting times ahead! look forward on the "more on that to follow"!
Ummm... Sorry to be so dense but what does "HOH" stand for?
Head over Heels, I meant to finish that off after Eindhoven, but so many many interruptions got in the way.
I may release it after this as is, so people can make their own HOH clones.
or just use LOTS of sprites
Thanks for the explanation. I'm not much of a gamer myself and hadn't heard of it but the pictures I found in a Google search look interesting!
I'm more interested in the Hybrid X3 board!
I am eager to see what you have brought back from your journey "on the other side".
I need to find my source files for eagle and then I'll post them.
If enough people are interested I can get some PCB's manufactured, if I remember I re-did the layout making it a lot smaller..... was two years ago though lol
Thanks Ahle2
I have many out of box ideas! time away can sometimes (like this time) be a blessing, although most times it's a hinderance lol
Welcome back to the fold! You always come up with cool stuff. I can't wait so see what's lurking in the wings this time!
Yeah I'm quite excited about this one!
Thanks Cluso99 ;D it been far too long! Prop programming is soooooo much fun!
I've got the proof of concept working
So looking forward to shock and awe!!
Trust me Jazzed, it'll be well worth the wait!
Thanks Cole Logan
Thought I'd give you an update, on what I've been working on.
I was looking at how everyone has been trying to increase the 8bit resolutions for prop, and all solutions have been trying with either SRAM or SDRAM.
And decided there needs to be another way, as filling the vram seems to be an issue that people are having.
So wanted to try and come up with a solution.
My thinking behind this method is the fact that the Prop's main power, is the fact it has 8 cogs, and all can access hub-ram.
So I started wondering if two props could do it.
The answer, well yes, they can!
But there are a few issues along the way, yes, they are deterministic, and both running off the same clock, so should be perfectly in sync, but no.
the Bootup is internal RC timing, so not as stable as I'd like it to be.
So I'm close, and I've got a few ideas for re-syncing once they're both up and running. the issue is the hub-ram round robin needs re-syncing.
Anyway, here's a quick demo of where it's at.