PLEASE HELP! Viewport Issues
even though we have all the "right" equipment, downloaded FTDI from etc. STILL does Viewport give us the same error "Failed to configure on COM13".
Can somebody just give me one simple explanation.
Sincerely Albert.
Can somebody just give me one simple explanation.
Sincerely Albert.
You probably have wrong COM port number configured.
If you have a serial port program running than it is probably blocking ViewPort. To make sure a program on the Propeller isn't causing this, open up Propeller Tool and type "PUB Start" into the blank editor. Click F11 (Load EEPROM) and then try Viewport. If the now-clear Propeller still doesn't work, you may try changing USB cables. I don't know how but when I had this problem that is what worked.
Here's another thread with several things to try:
Main issues:
- make sure you're using a good USB cable- not the retractable one that Parallax supplies
- start by using known good "Tutorial" programs
It doesn't matter what is in the Propeller's EEPROM, ViewPort will reset, load, run, and then establish communication with the program.