Attention C3 owners: Catalina test request

I have had some reports of some problems with Catalina on the C3 that I cannot reproduce on the hardware I have, and I would appreciate it if any C3 owners can run a simple test and post their results here.
The attached zip file contains two batch files (sorry, Windows only) to run two tests. The first test reprograms the SPI Flash with a Catalina program and executes it, and the second does the same but also reprograms the EEPROM.
Running the test requires a PC connected to the C3 via USB, and a TV and keyboard connected to the C3. Each of the tests takes a couple of minutes to execute, and requires some interaction. Please run whichever test you feel comfortable with and post the results.
There is a README.TXT in the attached file with step-by-step instructions.
Thanks in advance!
I have had some reports of some problems with Catalina on the C3 that I cannot reproduce on the hardware I have, and I would appreciate it if any C3 owners can run a simple test and post their results here.
The attached zip file contains two batch files (sorry, Windows only) to run two tests. The first test reprograms the SPI Flash with a Catalina program and executes it, and the second does the same but also reprograms the EEPROM.
Running the test requires a PC connected to the C3 via USB, and a TV and keyboard connected to the C3. Each of the tests takes a couple of minutes to execute, and requires some interaction. Please run whichever test you feel comfortable with and post the results.
There is a README.TXT in the attached file with step-by-step instructions.
Thanks in advance!

i did some tests for you with my C3, here is the result from my DOS-Window:
Using Propeller (version 1) on port COM5 for first upload
Using port COM5 for subsequent uploads
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008000
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Error: too many retries for addr 00008200
Using Propeller (version 1) on port COM5 for first upload
Using port COM5 for subsequent uploads
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008000
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Warning: no sync received for addr 00008200
Error: too many retries for addr 00008200
Using Propeller (version 1) on port COM5 for upload
On my C3-Monitor i got a bluescreen with blinking cursor, that's all !?!?!?
Thanks Tharkun,
That's even worse than I thought - the Flash program loader is not even starting correctly! Can you tell me what version of Windows you are using?
Try printing the JDEC ID and status of the flash chip. Perhaps the specific chip is not exactly the same as the one you have a driver for?
Also try looking at the status after every write.
Thanks for the suggestion - I'll look into that. In this case, it appears that the very first chip erase request is never returning. It may be that there is much more variability amongst individual C3's than I thought!
Does anyone know if all C3's use the same Flash chip?
Mine is an Atmel 26DF081A. Also, I have a prototype C3 not a production one. I don't know if that matters.
Thanks David,
Anyone have other FLASH chips in their C3?
I am using Windows 7.
Flash: Atmel 26DF081A
Thanks Tharkun,
Same Flash chip as mine and David's. I suppose all the C3's must be the same. But out of a sample of three C3's, each one behaves completely differently when programming the Flash - and unfortunately (!) mine works flawlessly every time, so it's going to be difficult to track down.
I'll revisit the code that does the Flash programming and will post a new test soon,
I did have an issue when I ran the test suite that comes with it, the flash would fail ramdonly when loaded but never after a reset. Hope this helps and let me know if I can do anything else to help!
Thanks for letting me know! I was beginning to doubt my own sanity
Hmmm. I run Windows XP. I guess I'll have to find a Windows 7 box to test on.
For those people that had failures - what clock speed do you run your C3 at? If you are overclocking it (by using a different crystal) can you also try to run the tests at 80Mhz?
I'm running with the standard crystal at 80mhz.
Hi jhh,
Yes - the batch files are very trivial. If you have a C3, I'd be interested in the results.
Drat! Another theory down the drain!
Hi David,
I'd be really interested in finding that out - because my FLASH programming code is (or so I thought!) just your original code taken from your caching SPI driver
Oh boy, I guess this is all my fault! :-(
I'll try checking out zogload tomorrow. I had wanted to convert that to write flash images in Catalina format anyway.
I've just been reading the datasheet for the SPI Flash chip on the C3 (AT26DF081A) and I found it can take up to 14 seconds to erase the flash! I've never seen it take anything like this amount of time on my C3, but presumably it can vary from chip to chip (and perhaps it also depends on the current flash contents) - so the problem some people have seen could be as simple as payload not waiting long enough for the Flash to erase.
Could anyone who tried and failed to run the tests retry them with a modifed test_1.bat file? All you need to do is increase the timeout for each retry to 4000ms (i.e. 4 seconds), so that payload should still work even if the erase takes up to 20 seconds (it retries 5 times).
Here is what the modified test_1.bat should look like:
The erase program code polls the status register, and is probably working ok - but my payload loader simply times out after 5 attempts to send the next protocol packet - so if the erase is not complete within 5 seconds it will declare the load a failure.
This could help me figure out whether I have a problem with Windows 7, or with the Flash programming code!
Initially I got the same error as Tharkun, but the modified test_1.bat seems to solve the problem.
Great! Thanks CogSaver.
I'll see if there's something I can do to make this automatic. I may need to add a status to my serial protocol that allows the C3 to say something like "I saw your packet, but cannot proces it yet - send it again in later".