'Getting Started With the Propeller' just went up on Amazon.com this afternoon: Amazon.com PageNook Page
There are two parts to the book: The first half is a step-by-step introduction to the Propeller, starting with setting up the IDE, blinking a light, and expanding to multitasking and objects. The second half includes several projects that are fun and help the reader get comfortable with Spin.
It's on Kindle for $3, and it will be available on Nook in a few days, too. If the ebook sells well enough, I'll also get it printed.
Let me know what you think! A great capability of ebooks is the ability to update the text, so your feedback is helpful. One change (revising the book description) is already in place, it just takes Amazon a while to update their page.
@martech - You don't have to read it on a Kindle device, Amazon offers kindle software (here) for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7. Nook is also available for the same operating systems.
You made me buy a book in a proprietary format and to make things worse, there's no reader for linux. It better be good now A quick 'scan' showed it is and Prop tool is for Windows too...
You made me buy a book in a proprietary format and to make things worse, there's no reader for linux. It better be good now
There goes my weekend...
Thanks for the book & 73s,
Stephan, DG1EES
@Stephan - hope you enjoy the book! The Nook version is actually just an epub, and neither version uses DRM. Also, technically, Android is Linux