HMC6352 I have a mystery
When I mount the HMC6352 on The Propeller Professional Development Board all is well. When I mount it on StingRay's bread board I get no response.
I have followed the instructions for the data sheet as to how to hook up the compass.
This one has be stumped. I need some help here.
I have followed the instructions for the data sheet as to how to hook up the compass.
This one has be stumped. I need some help here.
I have vdd and ground. I have not scoped the input pins, but I am running an ADC0831 on the Stingray bread and it is attached to a Sharp IR sensor which is running a-ok.
When I use the PPBD I use the same software that I tried to use on the Stingray BB. With the PPBD all is well.
The support document from Parallax shows the hardware setup that I am using.
I will scope out the pins and report back.
Thank you for trying to help in this matter. I am an admire of your work!!!
I agree with you. The bread board on the stingray has not been used until just these past two weeks. I will use my LA to check the output of the HMC6352 when bread boarded on the stringray. As I stated before, all is well with using the compass on the PPBD. I use the same pins and the same software for testing purposes. That is what makes this so hard to understand. On the stingray BB I am running an ADC0831 and it functions great. The testing software isolates the ADC0831 so it is not interfereing with the HMC6352.
I will get back with the scope report today. I will also go over the ground and voltage connections, but I am using the same connections for the ADC0831.
excellent suggestion. I will try this tomorrow!
Thank you and best regards