Execution dying while scrambling serial debugger
I have some code that calls an object in a new cog, but calling the cog causes the rest of the code in the original cog to halt execution. When I use the serial debugger to try and debug, I get a bunch of nonsense in the output. Here is the code for the calling cog:
I tried making cogStack1's length higher in the calling code, but that didn't change anything. Any suggestions? It may be something obvious, I've only been propelling for a couple months now. Thanks for the help.
con _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 obj sinsynth : "sintabsynth" sawsynth : "sawtabsynth" trisynth : "triangletabsynth" squaresynth:"squaretabsynth" keyReader:"keyReader" DDS : "DDS_PASM" Debug : "FullDuplexSerial" var byte cog1 long cogStack1[50] long playFreqs[5] long playPress[5] byte t1 pub main Debug.start(31,30,0,57600) waitcnt(clkfreq*4 + cnt) Debug.str(string("trying strings", $D)) cog1 := cognew(keyReader.Main(@playFreqs, @playPress), @cogStack1) + 1 repeat t1 := 0 repeat while t1 < 6 Debug.dec(playFreqs[t1]) t1++ waitcnt(clkfreq/6 + cnt)and here is the code that is causing the problem, which is the code that is loaded in the cog called by the code above:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 threshold = 300 OBJ AD_DRVR : "MCP3208_DRIVER" Debug : "FullDuplexSerial" VAR 'options: long, word or byte byte keyRef byte playRef byte lowPlayKey 'lowest playset key pointer byte t1 byte t2 byte t3 byte t4 byte t5 byte highestKeyIndex byte adc long keyReadings[24] long cogStack[10] byte cog 'long highestKeyReading PUB Main(playFreqs, playPress) Debug.start(31,30,0,57600) waitcnt(clkfreq*4 + cnt) Debug.str(string("trying strings2", $D)) cog := cognew(GetKeyReadings, @cogStack) + 1 repeat keyRef := 0 repeat while keyRef < 25 'iterate through key readings if keyReadings[keyRef] > threshold 'check if above the threshold playref := 0 t1 := 0 repeat while playRef < 6 'now determine if key is already in playset if long[@Freqs][keyRef] == long[playFreqs][playRef] t1 := 1 quit playRef++ if t1 == 1 'if key is already in the playset.... long[playPress][playRef] := keyReadings[keyRef] 'then update the pressure else 'if key is not already in the playset playRef := 0 t1 := 0 repeat while playRef < 6 'determine if there are 6 keys already in the playset if long[playFreqs][playRef] == 0 t1 := 1 quit playRef++ if t1 == 1 'if there aren't 6 keys already in the playset.. long[playFreqs][playRef] := long[@Freqs][keyRef] 'then add the key freq and pressure to the playset long[playPress][playRef] := keyReadings[keyRef] else 'if there are 6 keys already in the playset... playRef := 0 'then find lowest key in the playset t1 := 0 t2 := 4095 repeat while playRef < 6 t1 := long[playPress][playRef] if t1 < t2 t2 := t1 't5 := playRef playRef++ long[playFreqs][t2] := long[@Freqs][keyRef] 't2 now has the lowest key, so replace it using keyRef long[playPress][t2] := keyReadings[keyRef] else 'keyReading is not above threshold playref := 0 t1 := 0 repeat while playRef < 6 'determine if key is already in playset if long[@Freqs][keyRef] == long[playFreqs][playRef] t1 := 1 quit playRef++ if t1 == 1 'if it's in the playset long[playPress][playRef] := 0 'then delete it long[playPress][playRef] := 0 keyRef++ PUB GetKeyReadings repeat t3 := 0 'keeps track of the key we're reading adc := 0 'keeps track of the adc IC we're reading from repeat while adc =< 3 if adc == 0 AD_DRVR.start(21,20,19,0) elseif adc == 1 AD_DRVR.start(18,17,16,0) elseif adc == 2 AD_DRVR.start(13,14,15,0) elseif adc == 3 AD_DRVR.start(10,11,12,0) t4 := 0 'keeps track of the adc channel we're reading from repeat while t4=<7 if (adc==1 AND t4>3) OR (adc==3 AND t4>4) quit keyReadings[t3] := AD_DRVR.in(t4) t4++ t3++ adc++ DAT 'Define the frequencies for the middle octave Freqs long 523,494,466,440,415,392,369,349,330,311,294,277,262,247,233,220,208,196,185,175,165,156,147,139,131
I tried making cogStack1's length higher in the calling code, but that didn't change anything. Any suggestions? It may be something obvious, I've only been propelling for a couple months now. Thanks for the help.
form a quick look at your code I can say starting the FullDuplexSerial-object in two different cogs must end in mixed up nonsense-output
the two cogs run independent from each other say both are trying to send characters at the same time which mixes up the output completely.
for debugging you could use the EZLog-tool from hannoware http://hannoware.com/ezlog/
It allows to monitor variables while your code is running in the same way as without watching them.
This is possible beause EZLog starts an independent working cog to transfer the debug-data
best regards