Facebook Virus:(
Just wanted to let you guys know that there is a facebook virus going around. It seems like a harmless application that checks for "stalkers" on your page, but it really is a virus that sends fake messages and deletes things. If you see anything like that DON'T OPEN IT!!
If you have a backup drive that you can swap in your PC, they work because you can install Windows on a second hard drive. If you have an external case you can salvage your data. You don't need to pay someone to fix your computer.
Facebook IS a virus!!!
There were naysayers aplenty, though, mostly older folks: "Where's the privacy? Everybody can read the messages you're sending!" or "Who knows where those tablets come from. They could be toxic or contain a virus!" But that never phased us and, somehow, we survived. Then the CB fad hit, and suddenly smoke signals were yesterday's news.
For the record, I don't do Facebook, although plenty of my contemporaries do. It's not an age thing -- really -- it's not! It's just that social networking involves being ... well ... social.
amen !
Take a look at LSP's and LLSP's
Layered Service Providers and Linked Layered Service Providers.
You might be able to recovery DATA lost by repairing these.
@Phil.... I think you are social???:)
So does 37,498,246 people! FB did turned out very helpful for the Japanese in finding their loved ones & organizing NGOs etc.
What's all the fuss about these social networking sites? The ants beat us to it.
How 'bout a new avatar! Ravin' Raven:
No, but I am planning on being the last holdout.... kind of like the last guy in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978)
It was a one in a lifetime thing...Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'