Question about assembly code
I recently decided to make an assembly driver for a TI ADS 1252, a 24 bit ADC just to see if there was any value for my application over a 12 bit ADC. It also seemed like a great way to improve my PASM skills.
My problem is I ran into some chip behavior that I wasn't expecting.
Basically, I was using my Propscope to look the serial pin to go high and staying high after the ADS 1252 had sent a certain signal on the data pin. However, what I got was all 3 of the pins used in this driver going high. Even the clock pin which shouldn't be affected by the ADC behavior.
Any help correcting my mistaken impressions would be appreciated.
My problem is I ran into some chip behavior that I wasn't expecting.
VAR long cog, cPin long Pout long CLK long dPin long sPin Pub Start( cPinx, dPinx, sPinx) : okay ' cPin connected to CLK pin on ADS1252 ' dPin connected to DOUT/DRDY pin on ADS1252 ' sPin connected to SCLK pin on ADS1252 longfill(@Pout, 0, 4) cPin := |< cPinx sPin := |< sPinx dPin := |< dPinx Pout := cPin | sPin CLK := %00100 << 26 + cPinx okay := cog := cognew(@entry, @Pout) Pub Stop cogstop(cog) DAT org entry mov t1, par rdlong Pinout, t1 or dira, PinOut add t1, #4 rdlong aCLK, t1 mov CTRa, aCLK mov frqa, CtraFreq add t1, #4 rdlong aDAT, t1 add t1, #4 rdlong aSER, t1 waitpeq aDAT, aDAT waitpne aDAT, aDAT waitpeq aDAT, aDAT waitpne aDAT, aDAT or outa, aSER '---------------------------------------------------------------- CtraFreq long 054_100_000 t1 res 1 aCLK res 1 Pinout res 1 aDAT res 1 aSER res 1
Basically, I was using my Propscope to look the serial pin to go high and staying high after the ADS 1252 had sent a certain signal on the data pin. However, what I got was all 3 of the pins used in this driver going high. Even the clock pin which shouldn't be affected by the ADC behavior.
Any help correcting my mistaken impressions would be appreciated.