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How do you put this on the internet? — Parallax Forums

How do you put this on the internet?

joemacjoemac Posts: 9
edited 2011-04-11 18:51 in Accessories
So I have the Spinneret where I can access it via a LAN connection,, at IP address 1.3blah whatever.

So what do I plug into the ethernet port to put it on the actual internet? I guess a Server of some sort.

Should I have a separate box for this? Perhaps dedicate a laptop to that task.

Also could you connect as a server via 4g? CLEAR CHOICE internet service ?

Also what is involved to have it accessed via a normal name like ?

Please comment ! -Joe


  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-10 19:45
    Configure your router to forward HTTP traffic to your spinneret. Look up port forwarding and read your router (or network device) documentation. There is also information in this forum that explains how it's done.
  • Brandon_LBrandon_L Posts: 37
    edited 2011-04-11 00:55

    Your question is rather broad an has a fairly technical response. I'm going to attempt to simplify it. As stated the question seems to really be how does the internet work? The process of getting a URL to resolve through DNS when someone types say for Example -; requires someone or service like, for example, to set up a DNS record on a DNS server the will propagate out to the "Root Servers" where all DNS servers receive there information ultimately down stream. This record and process looks roughy like this.

    http requests on port 80 to www.darkinternet will be directed to

    The other half of this is to have a server responding to the IP address hosting web content. Depending on where that server is connected and what level of service is being used you may have to configure the webserver to have the signals forwarded to it. This is also referred to as port forwarding when a public IP is shared on a network where the webserver is using a private IP. The information is forwarded, usually for webhosting on port 80, to a IP assigned to the webserver.

    So John Q Public types and hits enter in a web browser - the request goes to Johns local machine to get the corresponding route to The request looks at the machines configured DNS server - normally Johns' ISP hosts the DNS provided on his connection to the internet. It looks through is't records or passes the request down stream to another DNS serve until it's told there is no matching record or in this example it finds what is know as an "A record " that points to A request to connect is sent to that address, it is forwarded to a private IP at the router located at to The web server that is configure to have the IP on that router, then serves up the index page.

    This is a rough explanation of how it works - you can fine more information here:

    Please let me know if this answers your question or if we can refine the question I'll be glad to be more specific.


  • Brandon_LBrandon_L Posts: 37
    edited 2011-04-11 18:51
    BTW - now points to my Spinneret.

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