Thinking Ahead, The propeller microcomputer
After the PDBHCP (Professional Developement Board Home Control Panel) project is finished, I am thinking about making a PMC (Propeller Microcomputer) with a Propeller C3 Kit. It might even help me finally make my garage into the Tech-Station I've been dreaming about. I was even thinking about using the C3 with my PDBHCP, is that possible?
So what is your question exactly?
@robot mogul: If you own the C3 I'd suggest working on some simple graphical interfaces (with the display of your choice) that could be easily adaptable to communicate via serial communication with another Propeller or device. As you may know, if you want to communicate with another device you will have to use the FullDuplexSerial object, as the Propeller does not have built ing SERIN and SEROUT commands like the Stamp.
Of course, if you are serious about automating your house, I'd suggest you get that done first and than start this new and equally ambitious project.