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what software with GUI that can communicate with xbee antenna other than X-CTU? — Parallax Forums

what software with GUI that can communicate with xbee antenna other than X-CTU?

irda rahayuirda rahayu Posts: 6
edited 2011-04-13 17:43 in Accessories
I'm doing a project. The purpose of the project is to send signal from a microcontroller board to a computer. The xbee receiver connect to computer and xbee transmitter connect to the computer. Xbee receiver already can receive signal from xbee transmitter using X-CTU software. The interface of this software is not user friendly. So, I need a new platform with GUI to display the output. What kind of software that provide the better interface? Hope u guys can give any suggestion to me.


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2011-04-07 06:12
    I'm not sure that there is a GUI interface for the XBee modules, however, you can use any serial terminal software to view the data that is being transmitted. You can use Hyper-Terminal if you have Windows XP or most most microcontrollers have a terminal window that is included with their programming software.

  • Martin HebelMartin Hebel Posts: 1,239
    edited 2011-04-07 11:12
    StampPlot Pro, used in the book, can be used to create GUI's. There's some getting started information on the download page - While the examples use DEBUG and such, the exact same thing can be done using SERIN/SEROUT with the controller since the XBee is a transparent link.
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2011-04-13 17:43
    I'm doing a project. The purpose of the project is to send signal from a microcontroller board to a computer. The xbee receiver connect to computer and xbee transmitter connect to the computer. Xbee receiver already can receive signal from xbee transmitter using X-CTU software. The interface of this software is not user friendly. So, I need a new platform with GUI to display the output. What kind of software that provide the better interface? Hope u guys can give any suggestion to me.
    Most people that post here are cheap and will not buy any software. So here is a free PC Basic Compiler.

    Download - Just BASIC

    This free bee has a nice little GUI that works well with the BS2's and the Propeller's
    I would start a link with out the Xbees first to Debug the COM loop then add in the Xbees to start your wireless COM link.
    Start with a simple serial link (9600-8-N-1)
    This is really simple to do.
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