Circuit-Mart Quality and Reliable PCB Maker from China
Hi Friends,
I am a PCB maker in China... doing business for past 5 years.
I also buy parts for customers, for cheap parts will be free to
send with PCBs.
Have a try with us, you will not be disappointed.
Contact me and tell me you see this message.
10% discount available, that means rougly USD 40 as the
fabrication cost, you could have a normal build 2 layer PCB
done in 3-5 working days.
Browse for details.
Iris Cao
I am a PCB maker in China... doing business for past 5 years.
I also buy parts for customers, for cheap parts will be free to
send with PCBs.
Have a try with us, you will not be disappointed.
Contact me and tell me you see this message.
10% discount available, that means rougly USD 40 as the
fabrication cost, you could have a normal build 2 layer PCB
done in 3-5 working days.
Browse for details.
Iris Cao
Perhaps I'll have a ..... look.
For those who try or will try my service, it is useful...
For those who browse, nice to know you all
Anyway, when you interest, send mail to me, tell me you are referred by this post for discount purpose.
For normal build board, as my fab house from Guangzhou and Shenzhen, PCBs follow normal IPC Class 2 and Perfag related standards, because they follow standard process instead of simple printing machines.
I am in pcb field for several years, and once worked in pcb retail houses such as A, B etc... and wholesale house famous through Europe..
I am quietly serving my clients for past 5 years.... without any kinds of ad before...
Now want to have a try....
Perhaps some of you have chosen their sevice before.....
Pls visit for details....
Your humble servant Iris feel so sorry for bad command of Englishg and will correct immediately to follow British English Style as best as I should and could..
OK thank you for following up the responses to your post. Do forgive us for being suspicious, this is the internet after all.
Thanks a lot for your response.
Compared with trading houses who ads a lot on Nuts and Volts or CircuitCellar or similar sources,
I provide at least same or even better job...
Customers stay with me for several years have confidence and trust on my side... I often do money transfer in China or buy parts for them here... They suggest me also do ads to attract customers.
To me GoodWill is everything.... At first I am going to talk directly with you here to find out whether there are new possibilities...