VR sensor reading question?
Has anyone had any experience with Variable Reluctance sensors like the ones used to sense the teeth on a gear?
The specs I have on my sensor is that its a Sine Wave that outputs to around 100v but only ma currentwith that being known I would think that a zero cross would be the right way to count the pulses from the sensor.
I did a search on some VR sensor interface ICs and I did find one from Linear called the LM1815.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
Has anyone had any experience with Variable Reluctance sensors like the ones used to sense the teeth on a gear?
The specs I have on my sensor is that its a Sine Wave that outputs to around 100v but only ma currentwith that being known I would think that a zero cross would be the right way to count the pulses from the sensor.
I did a search on some VR sensor interface ICs and I did find one from Linear called the LM1815.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
The voltage is suppose to be about 1v p-p at slow speeds and around 100v p-p at full speed but I have not put my volt meter on this to confirm it. The LM1815 can handle 120v p-p input voltages so I would not say the info I have is incorrect but I plan to built me a test rig of some type maybe a drill to see if I can test the voltages the gap between the gear and sensor has to be real close so i dont think I can just hold it in my hand.