Propeller on The Ben Heck Show
He uses a Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform USB to remind people to use hand sanitizer and to log results.
John Abshier
He uses a Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform USB to remind people to use hand sanitizer and to log results.
John Abshier
He's a real trooper.
I think with Ben Heck his fame doesn't come so much from his hacks themselves, as I bet 50% of the avid users on this forum could do that or better, but how GOOD they look. Almost everything he makes looks like it just came off an assembly line, and it does make you think of his hacks as 100% better than the wire-and-circuit-board setups you see all the time. Maybe if programmers/electronics enthusiasts started putting as much work into the appearance of their project as they do into the programming and design of it, this hobby would gain more ground with the "average" consumer. Just a thought.
It was nice to see him use a standard rat-shack box this time.. Even better is seeing a Gadget Gangster board inside.
I've noticed a lot of people are bothered by wires hanging out of a robot. I've started to think about ways of making my robots look more finished. I'm going to try to "bling" (my wife doesn't like the "p" word) my projects.
Kinda like watching Norm Abrams, the wood guy; beautiful finished product.
Must be something about the tools they use as I can't seem to get the same results with my hammer and screwdriver...