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Contest Entry - American River College Energy Monitor System — Parallax Forums

Contest Entry - American River College Energy Monitor System

joemacjoemac Posts: 9
edited 2011-05-10 11:00 in Accessories
Students, Instructors and community members are collaborating to develop a SPINNERET based
Energy Monitor System. An AtoD daughter board is being built. 4 channels will provide data for
Voltage, Current, Temperature, and Light levels. SD card and Real Time clock used for Data Logging.
Access to this data is via Internet. This project is also being entered into the California State Fair
as an exhibit by American River College, winners of last years' Blue Ribbon! Let's all pitch in and
help them win again! Check out the project website: http://


  • bsnutbsnut Posts: 521
    edited 2011-04-05 19:04
    Welcome to the forums joemac.

    I have seen your project web page and you did a nice job of updating it. But, just remember the contest is scored on how well you work with the forum members. One thing you can to is post your code and drawing in the forums
  • joemacjoemac Posts: 9
    edited 2011-04-19 00:29
    UPDATE 4/18 A to D working! We have the little plug-in board connected to the Spinneret and reading Temperature and Light level.
    Current and Voltage will follow with the next revision of the board. We use a MCP3204 for 4 channels of inputs. The code was 'gleened'
    from the Propeller Tool Library. I am finding the Propeller Tool to be an excellent IDE. Very fast, very nice presentation of the code. And it works!
    Until I learn how to paste pictures into this forum, I'll jus tsay check out for additional info...
  • joemacjoemac Posts: 9
    edited 2011-04-26 22:49

    This is the schematic for the A to D daughterboard for the Spinneret. Works great! 4 ch 12 bits !:thumb:
    1000 x 755 - 66K
  • joemacjoemac Posts: 9
    edited 2011-05-09 22:08
    May 9th Update: Our project continues to advance. We have obtained a web domain and hosting for a year from GO DADDY for $50 .
    The name of our site is: ... Here we have a HomePage that includes a frame that re-directs thru to
    Our CLEAR wireless modem/router where the server is plugged in thru the Ethernet LAN port. We can move the set-up mobile.
    This is major breakthrough for our project, special thanks to the Forum for pointing us in the right direction. Sometimes the littlest
    Comment will trigger an answer. Ah, little pearls of wisdom.... Oh will track your IP address for $15 a year. CLEAR costs
    $40/mo ,,, so we're in at $50 a month for this but the wifi Internet works really good here. Also the Tech Support at CLEAR was fantastic!

    The next phase is to build the SENSOR PROBE this connects to the A to D daughterboard, which has been built and tested. At that point
    it becomes a matter of software. We are going to scale back the function of the device. It will just display the Values of the A to D
    via the web server. We are using a hacked version of WebServer Demo. We are dropping any data logging and graphic display for now.
    I think it will be easy store a database and output it thru some Google app for graphic representation. And by easy I mean for somebody...

    Anyway that's all for now. Try Oh by the way the price of solar panels is below $2 / watt
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2011-05-10 11:00
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