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Catalina 3.0



  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-11 16:18
    Hi Kuroneko,

    Thanks for your help!

    Hi Dr_A,
    Dr_Acula wrote: »

    this is the line that allows the LCD display to work:
        cogstop $+1
        long    2          ' "long 1" = stop cog #1, long 2 = stop cog #2
    and I think that is stopping cog2. If that is true, then that would explain why I couldn't replicate the problem from C, because cog2 is the kernel and this is the one cog you can't stop before calling the driver because C needs to be running right up until the driver is called.

    So this might now be a question for Ross if it is the kernel that is still controlling pin 8.

    Yes, it looks like the Kernel is controlling pin 8. I don't have a schematic for the DRACBLADE handy, but here is what the XMM kernel thinks are the DRACBLADE control lines.
    ' DracBlade Hardware Access:
    '   (P24) M_PORT2-------------+ +-------- VGA (P23)                                             
    '   (P25) M_PORT2------------+| |+------- VGA (P22)                          
    '   (P26) KB ---------------+|| ||+------ VGA (P21)                           
    '   (P27) KB --------------+||| |||+----- VGA (P20)                        
    '   (P28) SCL ------------+|||| ||||+---- VGA (P19)            
    '   (P29) SDA -----------+||||| |||||+--- VGA (P18)                                               
    '   (P30) SO -----------+|||||| ||||||+-- VGA (P17)                                                
    '   (P31) SI ----------+||||||| |||||||+- VGA (P16)                                                      
    '                      |||||||| ||||||||                                                       
    ram_MUX       long    %00000000_00000000_0000_0001_00000000 ' active low                                        
    ram_WR        long    %00000000_00000000_0000_0011_00000000
    ram_A0_A7     long    %00000000_00000000_0000_0101_00000000
    ram_A8_A15    long    %00000000_00000000_0000_0111_00000000
    ram_A16_A19   long    %00000000_00000000_0000_1001_00000000
    ram_dir_read  long    %00000000_00000000_0000_1111_00000000
    ram_dir_write long    %00000000_00000000_0000_1111_11111111
    '                                        |||| |||| ||||||||
    '                         SD CS ---(P15)-+||| |||| |-DATA-|
    '                         SD DI ---(P14)--+|| |||| 76543210
    '                         SD CLK --(P13)---+| ||||
    '                         SD DO ---(P12)----+ |||+--(P8) ---- /mux (active low) 
    '                                             ||+---(P9)---+                               
    '                                             |+---(P10)--+|                   
    '                                             +----(P11)-+|| 
    '                                                        |||               
    '                                                        |||
    '                                                        000 /RD_RAM
    '                                                        001 /WR_RAM
    '                                                        010 /CS_A0-A7
    '                                                        011 /CS_A8-A15
    '                                                        100 /CS_A16-A18
    '                                                        101 /CS_LCD
    '                                                        110 Not connected
    '                                                        111 Not connected
    As you can see, I have pin 8 marked as "ram_MUX". Is this pin also used for the LCD? If so, you will need to tell the Kernel to release all the XMM control lines whenever it makes a service call - try compiling your program with -D SHARED_XMM - this will force the kernel to call XMM_Tristate before invoking any plugin (and XMM_Activate again afterwards).

    I've never tried this on the DRACBLADE, but it should work.

  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-05-11 16:30
    try compiling your program with -D SHARED_XMM - this will force the kernel to call XMM_Tristate before invoking any plugin

    And there you go. That has fixed it!!!! Woot, and much rejoicing :)

    We can now take over the bottom 12 pins from a plugin, and do all sorts of things with those 12 pins.
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-11 16:33
    Dr_Acula wrote: »
    And there you go. That has fixed it!!!! Woot, and much rejoicing :)

    We can now take over the bottom 12 pins from a plugin, and do all sorts of things with those 12 pins.

  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-05-11 23:04
    Below is the code. I have been copying the LCD terminal code from Kyedos - this takes a 20x4 LCD and has a local buffer so it can scroll lines. Not everything is working but it is good enough to print "Hello World" and scroll it.

    One thing this code really demonstrates is the ability to load and reload cogs many times. Because other programs might want to use the cogs too, this code uses the cogs only once and does not leave them running. Load the cog, load up and array with data and send out a string etc. Then use the cog for something else.

    Loading cogs from an SD card is slow. But loading cogs from external memory is more than fast enough. It ends up being faster than a spin implementation, and in fact the limiting factor with the speed is the ability of the 20x4 LCD to keep up.

    Thanks to all the help from Ross, it is now possible to put Catalina to sleep for a bit while the cog takes over all the pins.

    There are also some differences compared with a spin implementation. eg, loading a cog up just to send one byte is inefficient, so it makes sense to load an entire string into an array and send that.

    You can even use different cogs - eg send a string via cog 7, then scroll the LCD using cog 6.

    Below is the code. Next little project - I need to think about a Gadget Gangster add-on board with external memory and the 20x4 LCD so that this can run on more boards than just the dracblade.
    ' This is a plugin for Catalina to pause catalina while talking to the LCD display
      _clkfreq = 80_000_000                                              ' 5Mhz Crystal
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                                          ' x 16
    PUB Main
        coginit(1,@entry,0)                                           ' cog 1, cogstart, dummy value
                  org       0
                  cogid     t1                      ' get ...          t1=7
                  shl       t1,#2                   ' ... our ...      t1=28
                  add       t1,par                  ' ... registry block     par=7fd4, t1=7ff0
                  rdlong    rqstptr,t1              ' register ...         rqstptr = 08007fcc
                  and       rqstptr,low_24          ' ... this ...         rqstptr = 00007fcc
                  rdlong     arraypointer,rqstptr     ' save for later as 7fcc gets changed below arraypointer = 6ab4
                  wrlong    zero,rqstptr            ' ... plugin ...       hub ram 7fcc = 0
                  mov       t2,#8                 ' ... as ...           t2=8 = dummy value
                  shl       t2,#24                  ' ... the ...          t2=08000000
                  or        t2,rqstptr              ' ... dummy ...        t2=08007fcc
                  wrlong    t2,t1                   ' ... type             hub ram 7ff0 = 08007fcc
                  rdlong    t1,rqstptr wz           ' service request?     check 7fcc
            if_z  jmp       #service_loop           ' no - just keep waiting for catalina to allow this cog to run
    processdata							 ' main program loop
                  mov       i,arraypointer                  ' i= a counter
    main_loop     rdlong    t1,i                            ' get next long from array
                  cmp       t1,minusone    wz                 ' is it the end?
             if_z jmp       #release                        ' finish up
    		mov	   t2,t1				 ' new variable so preserves t1
    		shr	   t2,#8				 ' 0xnnnniidd where i is instruction, d is data to print
    		and       t2,lowmask				 ' get the instruction in t2
    		mov	   data,t1
    		and	   data,lowmask			' data masked to low byte
    	       cmp	   t2,#0         wz			 ' 0 is print a character
             if_z call	   #lcd_text				  'if 0 then send out a byte  
    	       cmp	   t2,#1	    wz			 ' 1 is a reset
             if_z call	   #lcd_init				  'if 1 then restart LCD
    		cmp	   t2,#2	   wz			 ' 2 is a command
             if_z call	   #lcd_inst			 	 ' send out an instruction eg move cursor
                  add       i,#4                            ' next long
                  jmp       #main_loop
    release       mov dira,zero				' tristate all the pins 
    		wrlong    zero,rqstptr            ' release the kernel       write zero to 7fcc
    finish        jmp       #finish                         ' finish - endless loop
    ' *********************************************************************************************
    ' Clock a 4 bit word in t1 to the LCD
                    or      t1, #%0000010                           ' enable pin high
                    call    #lcd_output
    	         mov       time,cnt                ' wait ...
                    add       time,lcd_delay		' ... for ...
                    waitcnt   time,#0                 ' ... delay
                    andn    t1, #%0000010                           ' enable pin low
                    call    #lcd_output
    	         mov       time,cnt                ' wait ...
                    add       time,lcd_delay  	' ... for ...
                    waitcnt   time,#0                 ' ... delay
    ' Output a value to the LCD
                    mov     dira, latch_dir                         ' set latch direction, enable pins 0-11
                    and     t1, #$ff
                    or      t1, latch_lcd                           ' latch LCD with gate low
                    mov     outa, t1
                    or      outa, #%1_00000000                      ' toggle gate high
                    mov     dira, zero                              ' tristate the outputs
    ' Initialize the LC display
    		  mov	   t1,zero				' set all pins low then pause
    		  call    #lcd_output
                    mov       time,cnt                ' yes - wait ...
                    add       time,twohundredms	' ... for ...
                    waitcnt   time,#0                 ' ... 200ms
                    mov     t1, #%00001100                  ' send out 0011 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, #%00001100                  ' send out 0011 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, #%00001100                  ' send out 0011 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, #%00001000                  ' send out 0010 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, #%00001000                  ' send out 0010 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, #%00100000                  ' send out 1000 already shifted to xxnnnnxx
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     data, #14                       ' cursor on
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     data, #1                        ' clear screen
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     data, #13                       ' flashing cursor
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     data, #$80                      ' to position 1
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
    ' Send an LCD instruction
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
    ' Send an LCD text character
                    mov     t1, data
                    shr     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    or      t1, #1
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
                    mov     t1, data
                    shl     t1, #2
                    and     t1, #%00111100
                    or      t1, #1
                    call    #lcd_pulse_out
    ' *************** variables ******************************************************************
    low_24        long       $00FFFFFF
    two_seconds   long       _clkfreq*2
    twohundredms	long       _clkfreq/5
    time          long       0
    rqstptr       long       0
    i             long       0
    t1            long       0
    t2            long       0
    zero          long       0
    data          long       0
    minusone      long       $FFFFFFFF
    'sixabfour      long        $6AB4
    'sevenfcc       long        $7FCC
    arraypointer  long          0 
    debug          long        $1000       ' for debugging
    testvalue      long        $12345678
    lowmask	long	   %00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
    ' *** LCD variables ***
    latch_dir       long    %00000000_00000000_00001111_11111111    ' 138 active, gate active and 8 data lines active
    latch_lcd       long    %00000000_00000000_00001010_00000000    ' LCD latch is xxxx101x and gate low xxxxxxx0
    enable_lcd      long    %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000010    ' Enable pin 6 on LCD displays
    lcd_delay       long    20_000					' 300_000 = safe, 5000 doesnt 10_000 works, make it 20_000
    ?                                                   TERMS OF USE: MIT License                                                  ?                                                            
    ?Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation    ? 
    ?files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,    ?
    ?modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software?
    ?is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                                                                   ?
    ?                                                                                                                              ?
    ?The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.?
    ?                                                                                                                              ?
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // compile with catalina -lcx -D PLUGIN -lm -x5 -M 256k -d DRACBLADE -D SHARED_XMM -D HIRES_VGA myprog.c
    // compile using XMM
    // pairs with LCDPLUG.spin
    // cogjects - sd card driver in catalina is a little slow so load up once into external ram then (re) load quicker from external ram
    	unsigned long cogject_plugin[512];					// external memory for plugin
    	char	       lcddisplay[90];					// buffer for LCD display 80 chars plus the column,row data, in external ram
    	char		lineoftext[80];					// for storing strings
    // *************** functions ***************************************
    void sleep(int milliseconds)                                         // sleep function
    char peek(int address)                                               // function implementation of peek
           return *((char *)address);
    void poke(int address, char value)                                   // function implementation of poke
           *((char *)address) = value;
    void pokelong(int address, unsigned long value)				// poke a long into hub memory 'little endian'
    	poke(address+0, (char) (value & 0x000000ff));
    	poke(address+1, (char) ((value & 0x0000ff00) >> 8));
    	poke(address+2, (char) ((value & 0x00ff0000) >> 16));
    	poke(address+3, (char) ((value & 0xff000000) >> 24));
    unsigned long peeklong(int address)				// peek a long from hub memory 'little endian'
    	unsigned long value;
    	value = peek(address) | (peek(address+1) <<8) | (peek(address+2) <<16) | (peek(address+3)<<24);
    	return value;
    int external_plugin_cog_load(int cognumber, unsigned long cogdata[])    	//  load a plugin from external memory
    	unsigned long hubcog[512];						// create a local array, this is in hub ram, not external ram
    	int i;
    	int result;
    		hubcog[i]=cogdata[i];					// move from external memory to a local array in hub
     	_coginit (_registry() >> 2, (int) hubcog >> 2, cognumber); 	// pass the registry, location of cog data and cog to load into
    	return result;
    int EoF (FILE* stream)
      	register int c, status = ((c = fgetc(stream)) == EOF);
      	return status;
    void readcog(char *filename,unsigned long external_cog[])		// read in a .cog file into external memory array
    	int i;
    	FILE *FP1;
    	i = 0;
    	if((FP1=fopen(filename,"rb"))==0)					// open the file
      		fprintf(stderr,"Can't open file %s\n",filename);
    		getc(FP1);							// read in the first 24 bytes and discard
    	i = 0;
      	while(!EoF(FP1) & (i<511))						// run until end of file or 511-6
    		external_cog[i] = getc(FP1) | (getc(FP1)<<8) | (getc(FP1)<<16) | (getc(FP1)<<24);	// get the long
         		fclose(FP1);							// close the file
    	//printf("external array cog first long = 0x%x \n",external_cog[0]);	// hex value
    void print7fcc()
    	int i;
    	char peekbyte;
    	printf("4 bytes from 7fcc to 7fc3 are ");
    	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
    		peekbyte = peek(0x7fcc+i);
    		if (peekbyte < 16)
    		printf("%x ",peekbyte);
    	printf ("\n");	// carriage return
    void print_registry()		// 32 bytes
    	int reg;
    	int i;
    	char peekbyte;
    	reg = _registry();
    	printf("0x%x = ",reg);
    	for (i=0;i<32;i++)
    		peekbyte = peek(reg+i);
    		if (peekbyte < 16)
    	printf ("\n");	// carriage return
    void pass_plugin_data(unsigned long p_array[],int cognumber)
    	int reg;
    	int a;								
    	unsigned long b,c;
    //	print_registry();
    	reg = _registry();
    	a=reg + (cognumber << 2); 						// registry + cognumber *4
    	b=peeklong(a);							// get the registry for this cog ff007fcc
    	b = b & 0x0000ffff;							// mask off upper two bytes
    	c = (unsigned long) &p_array[0];					// pointer to p_array
    //	printf("pointer value is %x \n",c);
    	pokelong(b,c);							// address,value 7fcc now contains a pointer to the p_array[0]
    //	print7fcc();			
    void init_lcd(int cognumber)
    	unsigned long lcd_array[10]; 					// temporary array for sending a string of data to the LCD
    	int i;
    	lcd_array[0] = 0x00000100;						// command to initialise nnnn01nn
    	lcd_array[1] = 0x0000020e;						// cursor on
    	lcd_array[2] = 0x00000201;						// cls
    	lcd_array[3] = 0x0000020d;						// flashing cursor
    	lcd_array[4] = 0x00000280;						// top left hand corner
    	lcd_array[5] = 0xffffffff;						// finish command = -1
    	pass_plugin_data(lcd_array,cognumber);				// tell the plugin where the data is
    	external_plugin_cog_load(cognumber, cogject_plugin);		// move plugin from external memory to cog 7
    	_sys_plugin(8, 1);   						// 8 is dummy plugin, and 1 is any non zero number
    		lcddisplay[i]=32;						// clear the buffer to spaces(common hub array)
    	lcddisplay[80]=0;							// column 0-19
    	lcddisplay[81]=1;							// line number 1,2,3 or 4
    void redraw(int cognumber)							// redraw the entire screen
    	int linenumber;
    	int n,m,i,j,c;
    	unsigned long lcd_array[90];					// enough room to pass all 80 characters and start and finish
    	linenumber = (int) lcddisplay[81];					// get the linenumber in a local variable
    	n = (linenumber - 1) * 20;						// convert to a pointer to the correct array location
    	lcd_array[0] = 0x00000280;						// instruction (02) and value (0x80 = 128 = line 1)
    	lcd_array[21] = 0x000002c0;						// instruction (02) and value (0xC0 = 192 = line 2)
    	lcd_array[42] = 0x00000294;						// instruction (02) and value (0x94 = 148 = line 3)
    	lcd_array[63] = 0x000002d4;						// instruction (02) and value (0xD4 = 212 = line 4)
    	lcd_array[84] = 0x000002d4;						// instruction (02) and value (0xD4 = 212 = line 4) at end
    	lcd_array[85] = 0x0000020d;						// flashing cursor
    	lcd_array[86] = 0xffffffff;						// finish command
    		lcd_array[n]=lcddisplay[m];					// move in data 20 chars at a time
    		lcd_array[n]=lcddisplay[m];					// move in data 20 chars at a time
    		lcd_array[n]=lcddisplay[m];					// move in data 20 chars at a time
    		lcd_array[n]=lcddisplay[m];					// move in data 20 chars at a time
      										// load cog, send out all data, hand control back to catalina
    	pass_plugin_data(lcd_array,cognumber);				// tell the plugin where the data is
    	external_plugin_cog_load(cognumber, cogject_plugin);		// move plugin from external memory to hub ram
    	_sys_plugin(8, 1);   						// and start it 8 is dummy plugin, and 1 is any non zero number
    void newline(int cognumber)							// move the line up by 1, clear line 4, move cursor to start of line 4
    	int i;
    		lcddisplay[i] = lcddisplay[i+20];				// shuffle up a line
    		lcddisplay[i] = 32;						// spaces on the last line
    	lcddisplay[80]=0;							// column = 0
    void printf_lcd(int cognumber, char textstring[])	// note that this loads and unloads a cog to print just one char so do in a group if print a string
    	int col,i,length,p,overflow;
    	unsigned long lcd_array[20];					// enough room to pass characters
    	col = (int) lcddisplay[80];						// get the column number
    	length = strlen(textstring);
    //	printf("length is %i \n",length);
    	overflow = col+length-20;						// off the end?
    	if (overflow <0) overflow = 0;
    	for(i=0;i < length -overflow;i++)
    		lcddisplay[60 + col + i] = textstring[i];			// store in the screen buffer
    //		printf("value of i is %i \n",i);
    	for(i=0;i < length - overflow;i++)
    		lcd_array[i] = textstring[i];				// print out
    	p = length;	
    										// pointer to where we are up to
    //	printf("length is %i \n",p);
    	if (col+length >19)
    		lcd_array[p] = 0x0000020c;					// cursor off if last char on the line
    //		printf("cursor off \n");
    	lcd_array[p] = 0xffffffff;						// terminate command
    	col = col + length;
    //	printf("column is %i \n",col);
    	lcddisplay[80] = (char) col;					// put the column number back in the array
    	pass_plugin_data(lcd_array,cognumber);				// tell the plugin where the data is
    	external_plugin_cog_load(cognumber, cogject_plugin);		// move plugin from external memory to hub ram
    	_sys_plugin(8, 1);   						// and start it 8 is dummy plugin, and 1 is any non zero number	
    //void backspace(int cognumber)
    // backspace is a special case - need to subtract 1 off the column, make the last character a space
    // and redraw the screen and print out column number of characters on last line
    // only really works on line 4 but most of the time the display is on line 4 anyway
    // not working as yet
    //	int col,i;
    //	char tempstring[20];
    //	col = (int) lcddisplay[80];						// get the column number
    //	if ((col>1) & (col<20))
    //	{
    //		lcddisplay[col + 60] = 32;				// was 1 past the character
    //		col--;
    //	}
    //	lcddisplay[80] = (char) col;					// put the column number back in the array
    //	redraw(cognumber);							// cursor to beginning of the last line
    //	for(i=0;i<(col-2);i++)
    //	{
    //		tempstring[i]=lcddisplay[60+i];				// print out characters on the last line so cursor in the right place
    //	}
    //	tempstring[col-2] = 0;						// terminator
    //	printf("temp string is ",tempstring);
    //	printf_lcd(cognumber,tempstring);
    void main ()
    	printf("Test program to use the LCD on the dracblade with XMM catalina\n");
    	readcog("lcdplug.cog",cogject_plugin);				// read from sd card into an external memory array
    	init_lcd(7);								// clear the screen, turn on the cursor
    	redraw(7);								// redraw the lcd, using driver in cog 7
    	newline(7);								// scroll up a line
    	strcpy(lineoftext, "Hello ");
    	printf_lcd(7,lineoftext);						// print string (reloads cog)
    	strcpy(lineoftext, "World");
    	printf_lcd(7,lineoftext);						// print string (reloads cog)
    	newline(7);								// scroll
    	redraw(7);								// check same as on the display
    	printf("Finish \n");
    //	printf("debug value @ 0x1000 = 0x%x \n",peeklong(0x1000));		// useful debug location
           while (1);                                                    // Prop reboots on exit from main()
  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-12 05:29
    Hi everybody,
    I just started to use Catalina 3.0 with ther latest patch.
    But unfortunetly I can't make it compile
    I followed the guide provided with the compiler.
    C:\Program Files\Catalina>use_catalina
    CATALINA_DEFINE  = [default]
    CATALINA_INCLUDE = [default]
    CATALINA_LIBRARY = [default]
    CATALINA_TARGET  = [default]
    CATALINA_LCCOPT  = [default]
    CATALINA_TEMPDIR = [default]
    LCCDIR           = [default]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina>cd demos
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>catalina hello_world.c
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    Undefined or Redefined symbols:
     printf undefined[/COLOR]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>catalina hello_world.c -lc
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    [COLOR="red"]Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    File not found[/COLOR]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos

    please help. whats wrong.

    kind regards
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-12 06:11
    drRobutik wrote: »
    Hi everybody,
    I just started to use Catalina 3.0 with ther latest patch.
    But unfortunetly I can't make it compile
    I followed the guide provided with the compiler.
    C:\Program Files\Catalina>use_catalina
    CATALINA_DEFINE  = [default]
    CATALINA_INCLUDE = [default]
    CATALINA_LIBRARY = [default]
    CATALINA_TARGET  = [default]
    CATALINA_LCCOPT  = [default]
    CATALINA_TEMPDIR = [default]
    LCCDIR           = [default]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina>cd demos
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>catalina hello_world.c
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    Undefined or Redefined symbols:
     printf undefined[/COLOR]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>catalina hello_world.c -lc
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    [COLOR=red]Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    File not found[/COLOR]
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos
    please help. whats wrong.

    kind regards

    Hi drRobutik

    Odd. Catalina is working correctly, but homespun.exe is not - can you please tell me what version of Windows you are using?

    Also, can you run your compile command with the -v switch and tell me what it says? I.e:
    catalina hello_world.c -lc -v

  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-12 06:16
    Hi Ross
    I use win7 Ultimate in admin mod
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>catalina hello_world.c -lc -v
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
    verbose mode
    calling lcc
    lcc command = lcc  hello_world.c -lc -D__CATALINA_libc -Wl-Dlibc -Wl-v -o hello_
    world -Wl-x0 -Wl-DTINY -D__CATALINA_TINY
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    Catalina Binder 3.0
    verbose mode
    segment layout 0
    defining TINY
    processing input file C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_progbeg.s
    processing input file C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\catalina_default.s
    processing input file C:\Users\SCANAN\AppData\Local\Temp\lcc54962.obj
    loading system library index C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\catalina.index
    files to process:
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_progbeg.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\catalina_default.s
    files to include in output:
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_progbeg.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\catalina_default.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\catalina_hmi_t_char.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\catalina_plugin_short.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\catalina_putc.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\data.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\doprnt.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\fltpr.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\icompute.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\modf.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\printf.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\putc.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\strcpy.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\strfmt.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\strlen.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\lib\libc\toupper.s
     C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_progend.s
    input libraries:
    Undefined or Redefined symbols:
    bind output file is C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\Catalina.spin
    generating Code segment
    generating Cnst segment
    generating Init segment
    generating Data segment
    assembling hello_world
    target name = C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_default.spin
    assemble command (lmm) = homespun -b -D libc -D TINY "C:\Program Files\Catalina\
    target\lmm_default.spin" -o hello_world
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    File not found
    assemble command returned result 1
    C:\Program Files\Catalina\demos>
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-12 06:51
    Hi drRobutnik

    I've finally given in and purchased a copy of Windows 7, so I will be able to support this platform better in future - but I only installed it today, so bear with me while I'm still learning :smile:

    First, can you please check to see if the file C:\Program Files\Catalina\target\lmm_default.spin actually exists? If not, you have something wrong with your target directory, and you should re-install Catalina.

    If it does exist, then the problem may be to do with where you have installed Catalina. On my new Windows 7 machine, I seem to have some some issues when Catalina is installed in the recommended directory (i.e. C:\Program Files\Catalina or C:\Program Files (X86)\Catalina).

    However, I just moved the whole directory to C:\Catalina, and everything now seems to work correctly. To see if this helps you, move your entire Catalina directory from C:\Program Files\Catalina to C:\Catalina, then start a new command shell and enter the following commands:
    cd C:\Catalina
    set LCCDIR=C:\Catalina
    cd demos
    catalina -lc hello_world.c
    Try this and see if it helps.

  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-12 07:05
    hi again,

    yes the lmm_default.spin is in the target directory
    C:\Catalina>set LCCDIR=C:\Catalina
    CATALINA_DEFINE  = [default]
    CATALINA_INCLUDE = [default]
    CATALINA_LIBRARY = [default]
    CATALINA_TARGET  = [default]
    CATALINA_LCCOPT  = [default]
    CATALINA_TEMPDIR = [default]
    LCCDIR           = C:\Catalina
    C:\Catalina>cd demos
    C:\Catalina\demos>catalina -lc hello_world.c
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;.
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    File not found
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-12 07:25
    Hi drRobutnik,

    Okay - try executing the homespun command manually from the demos directory:
    cd C:\Catalina\demos
    homespun "C:\Catalina\target\lmm_default.spin" -D TINY
    And tell me what you get.
  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-13 00:24

    Unfortunately same result..
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 00:33
    Hi drRobutnik,

    Have you modified the Catalina installation in any way? Could you re-install a clean copy of Catalina from the original zip into a new directory (e.g. unzip it to to C:\Catalina2) and then open a command prompt and execute the following:
    cd C:\Catalina2
    set LCCDIR=C:\Catalina2
    cd demos
    catalina -lc hello_world.c

    This works for me first time.

    I'll be out of contact for about an hour - I'll check back in then.

  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-13 05:07

    I downloaded again from sourceforge
    unziped and install in the c:\ dairectory as catalina2
    and did what you say and teh result is
    [code]Microsoft Windows [S
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 05:49
    Hi drRobutik

    Yes, this is very odd. Windows 7 seems to be a bit weird. Can you try the following:
    cd C:\Catalina2
    set LCCDIR=C:\Catalina2
    cd target
    homespun lmm_default.spin -D TINY
    and report the results?

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 06:15
    Hi drRobukik

    I can confirm that there is some really odd behaviour under Windows 7. I have not yet managed to track it down, but it seems that occasionally the file lmm_default.spin is being corrupted. I will investigate further tomorrow. In the meantime, can you please post the current contents of your lmm_default.spin file?

  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-13 10:47
    Hi ,

    I tried what you said on a XP machine too
    but I get the result.
    I ll gonna be crazy
    what can be wrong;?
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 16:12
    Hi drRobutik,

    As yet, I have no idea!

    I've seen some wierd things in the last day or so under Windows 7, but never under XP.

    I plan to investigate this today, so bear with me. Can you please post the lmm_default.spin file from your target directory? That may give me a clue. I managed to corrupt mine once, but before I realized what was going on, I overwrote it with a new copy.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 22:21
    UPDATE: A modified version of the catalina_env.bat file is attached to the first post in this thread. While it can be used on any Windows platform, it is specifically intended for Windows 7 and Vista users, to fix a problem when using the catalina_env command on those platforms. Just download the file and unzip it over the existing version in your Catalina bin directory.

    There is another minor oddity which I just noticed with Windows 7 - when you set LCCDIR (which you need to do if you installed Catalina in a non-standard directory), you have to make sure you don't include any quotation marks - e.g. you must say:
    set LCCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Catalina
    and not
    set LCCDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Catalina"                         <--- WRONG!
    I think the latter works under XP - but it doesn't work under Windows 7.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-13 23:04

    I've been trying since yesterday to reproduce the strange behaviour drRobutik has reported seeing under Windows 7. Apart from one problem with the catalina_env batch file (see previous post), I can't make Catalina behave the way drRobutik is reporting. I've reinstalled it several times to different locations, and tried compiling many programs - and they all seem to compile and run correctly.

    Has anyone else seen any weird problems using Catalina under Windows 7?

    I did see one instance of odd behaviour yesterday, but I have been unable to reproduce it, and I now think it may have been because I was still in the middle of installing all the zillions of Windows 7 patches (how can there be so many already???). Anyway, I now seem to have them all installed, and everything seems to be working reliably.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 00:13

    I think I have found a clue to the bizarre behaviour of Windows 7. I think you may be running into problems with the Windows 7 VirtualStore feature. This web site shows how to disable VirtualStore for a particular application:

    I chose to use solution 3 - essentially, you give users "full control" and "modify" rights to the Catalina directory, and then delete the contents of any existing Catalina VirtualStore folders.

    Please try this and see if it fixes your problem.

  • drRobutikdrRobutik Posts: 15
    edited 2011-05-14 07:39
    Hi Ross
    Tried everything you have given,
    but still Win7 insist to not compile
    still same problem..
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 16:28
    drRobutik wrote: »
    Hi Ross
    Tried everything you have given,
    but still Win7 insist to not compile
    still same problem..

    Hi drRobutik,

    This is a bit of a mystery. You haven't yet posted your lmm_default.spin file from your target directory. Can you do that please? This may give me a clue.

    Then try the following (please substitute your installation directory for C:\Program Files\Catalina in the following commands):

    1. Check whether Homespun can compile simple Spin files. There is one in the Catalyst demo folder:
    cd C:\Program Files\Catalina
    set LCCDIR=C:\Program Files\Catalina
    cd catalyst\demo
    homespun demo.spin
    2. Check whether it is only the lmm_default.spin file that is affected:
    cd C:\Program Files\Catalina
    set LCCDIR=C:\Program Files\Catalina
    cd demos
    catalina -lc -D LARGE hello_world.c
    3. Check whether Homespun can find lmm_default.spin when it is in the same directory:
    cd C:\Program Files\Catalina
    set LCCDIR=C:\Program Files\Catalina
    cd target
    homespun lmm_default.spin -D TINY

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-05-14 19:07
    RossH wrote: »
    1. Check whether Homespun can compile simple Spin files. There is one in the Catalyst demo folder:
    2. Check whether it is only the lmm_default.spin file that is affected:
    3. Check whether Homespun can find lmm_default.spin when it is in the same directory:
    FWIW, I'm using Vista (JPN) with a non-admin account. Check one and three work without problems, the second one effectively leaves me with an empty target/Catalina.spin file (zero length). Which subsequently makes homespun complain about missing PUB methods.
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\demos>catalina -lc -DLARGE hello_world.c
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 &#20491;&#12398;&#12501;&#12449;&#12452;&#12523;&#12434;&#31227;&#21205;&#12375;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12290;    <-- [COLOR="blue"]telling you it moved one file[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="red"]cannot open temporary files[/COLOR]
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.spin
    I haven't encountered a File not found yet.
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 19:26
    kuroneko wrote: »
    FWIW, I'm using Vista (JPN) with a non-admin account. Check one and three work without problems, the second one effectively leaves me with an empty target/Catalina.spin file (zero length).
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\demos>catalina -lc -DLARGE hello_world.c
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
            1 &#20491;&#12398;&#12501;&#12449;&#12452;&#12523;&#12434;&#31227;&#21205;&#12375;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12290;    <-- [COLOR=blue]telling you it moved one file[/COLOR]
    cannot open temporary files
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.spin
    I haven't encountered a File not found yet.

    Hi kuroneko,

    Thanks for doing that. The problem you are seeing with step 2 is a different problem. I think this is because the account you are using does not have write permission to the Catalina target directory.

    The steps I described earlier to remove the VirtualStore functionality on Catalina also gives all users "modify" access to the Catalina directory, so this should fix that.

    If that does not fix it, then it may also be because Catalina does not have write access to the directory where it expects to create temporary files. You can set this directory two ways:

    1. By adding -W-tempdir=<temp dir> to each compile command. For example:
    catalina -lc hello_world.c -W-tempdir=.
    2. By doing a "one off" setup it in your CATALINA_TEMPDIR environment variable. For example:
    catalina -lc hello_world.c
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-05-14 19:51
    Hi Ross,

    the catalina directory is in a public area. So write access isn't an issue. Even specifically setting the rights for the directory (full control) doesn't change anything. Neither does specifying a different temporary directory (env or command line). If it bothers you could you send me a debug version which displays the path to the temporary file(s) it cannot open?

    Update: I must admit that I didn't install Catalina under C:/Program Files/Catalina (none of my 3rd party stuff is). So if one or more of the environment defaults rely on that location then this could be an issue. What are the exact locations to override the defaults?

    Just read in the manual that setting LCCDIR to a different location should have taken care of that ... most odd. Anyway, homespun itself didn't and still doesn't have problems creating files in that (public) hierarchy so why should catalina?
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 21:20
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Hi Ross,

    the catalina directory is in a public area. So write access isn't an issue. Even specifically setting the rights for the directory (full control) doesn't change anything. Neither does specifying a different temporary directory (env or command line). If it bothers you could you send me a debug version which displays the path to the temporary file(s) it cannot open?

    Update: I must admit that I didn't install Catalina under C:/Program Files/Catalina (none of my 3rd party stuff is). So if one or more of the environment defaults rely on that location then this could be an issue. What are the exact locations to override the defaults?

    Just read in the manual that setting LCCDIR to a different location should have taken care of that ...

    Yes, just set LCCDIR. If you still can't get it working, let me know. I'm still learning all the tricks and traps with Windows, so any feedback on problems/fixes is very useful.

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-05-14 21:24
    I am using LCCDIR, I just mentioned it to counter the default settings note.
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 21:27
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Hi Ross,
    If it bothers you could you send me a debug version which displays the path to the temporary file(s) it cannot open?

    I don't need to - just try using a command like:
    catalina -lc hello_world.c -D LARGE -v -W-v
    The -v tells catalina to be verbose. The -W-v tells LCC to be verbose. Can you post the output?


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-05-14 21:35
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\demos>catalina -lc hello_world.c -D LARGE -v -W-v
    Catalina Compiler 3.0
    verbose mode
    passing option -v
    calling lcc
    lcc command = lcc  -lc -D__CATALINA_libc -Wl-Dlibc hello_world.c -v -Wl-v -o hello_world -tempdir=C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\t
    emp -Wl-x5 -target=catalina_large/win32 -Wl-DLARGE -D__CATALINA_LARGE -LC:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\large_lib
    lcc $Id: lcc.c 355 2007-02-18 22:08:49Z drh $
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\bin\cpp.exe -U__GNUC__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D__STDC__=1 -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -Dwin32 -D_WIN32 -D_M_IX86 -D
    __extension__= -D__cdecl= -D__CATALINA__ -D__LCC__ -D__CATALINA_libc -D__CATALINA_LARGE -IC:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\include h
    ello_world.c C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50680.i
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\bin\rcc.exe -target=catalina/win32 -v -o hello_world -target=catalina_large/win32 C:\Users\Public\s
    torage\catalina\temp\lcc50680.i C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50681.s
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\bin\rcc.exe $Name$($Id: main.c 355 2007-02-18 22:08:49Z drh $)
    cmd.exe /c move C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50681.s C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50682.obj
            1 &#20491;&#12398;&#12501;&#12449;&#12452;&#12523;&#12434;&#31227;&#21205;&#12375;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12290;
    C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\bin\catbind.exe -o hello_world -LC:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\lib -TC:\Users\Public\storage\cat
    alina\target -Dlibc -v -x5 -DLARGE -LC:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\large_lib -lc C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50682.o
    Catalina Binder 3.0
    verbose mode
    segment layout 5
    defining LARGE
    library path = C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\large_lib
    processing input file C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_progbeg.s
    processing input file C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\catalina_default.s
    processing input file C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50682.obj
    loading system library index C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\large_lib\libc\catalina.index
    files to process:
    files to include in output:
    input libraries:
    Undefined or Redefined symbols:
    bind output file is C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina.spin
    [COLOR="red"]cannot open temporary files[/COLOR]
    assembling hello_world
    target name = C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.spin
    assemble command (target) = homespun -b -D libc -D LARGE C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.spin -e -o C:\Users\Pub
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_Common.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_HUB_XMM_Loader.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_XMM.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_HMI_Plugin_HiRes_Tv.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_comboKeyboard.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_comboMouse.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_mouse.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_HiRes_TV_Text.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\TV_Half_Height.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_CogCount.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_Float32_A_Plugin.spin
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina_CogStore.spin
    compiling xmm_default.spin
    compiling Catalina_HUB_XMM_Loader.spin
    compiling Catalina_XMM.spin
    compiling Catalina_HMI_Plugin_HiRes_Tv.spin
    compiling Catalina_comboKeyboard.spin
    compiling Catalina_comboMouse.spin
    compiling Catalina_mouse.spin
    compiling Catalina_HiRes_TV_Text.spin
    compiling TV_Half_Height.spin
    compiling Catalina_CogCount.spin
    compiling Catalina_Float32_A_Plugin.spin
    compiling Catalina_CogStore.spin
    compiling Catalina_Common.spin
    writing 32768 bytes to C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\xmm_default.eeprom
    assemble command (emm, smm or xmm) = homespun -b -D libc -D LARGE C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina.spin -M 65536 -o
    Homespun Spin Compiler 0.30
    parsing C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\target\Catalina.spin
    No PUB routines found in Catalina.spin
    assemble command returned result -1
    output will not be combined with target
    rm C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50682.obj C:\Users\Public\storage\catalina\temp\lcc50680.i C:\Users\Public\storage\catal
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2011-05-14 22:02
    Hi kuroneko,

    Blast! - that version doesn't print the names of the tmp files themselves. Can you unzip the attached version of catbind.exe into your Catalina bin directory and try that command again?


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