Can I make my Ping sensor waterproof?

I recall a while back that there was going to be a waterproof version of the Ping sensor.
I think it was either put on hold or abandoned due to technical issues.
Could I make my own by unsoldering the transducers on my Ping and soldering on
some enclosed transducers, such as these:
(I would then enclose the circuit board in epoxy.)
Thanks for any tips.
I recall a while back that there was going to be a waterproof version of the Ping sensor.
I think it was either put on hold or abandoned due to technical issues.
Could I make my own by unsoldering the transducers on my Ping and soldering on
some enclosed transducers, such as these:
(I would then enclose the circuit board in epoxy.)
Thanks for any tips.
Theoretically, you should be able to unsolder the transducers on the PING and solder in new ones. How well it would work is anybody's guess. They're cheap enough and you can always solder the old transducers back on if you're careful. The PING was designed for the transducers that it's using. No one is going to promise you that it'll work with some other transducer, but it's worth a try.
If you get really stuck Maxbotix make a few waterproof versions which are a lot more cost effective than the normal $400 industrial units