What's the difference between Prop Plug and USB2Ser Dev. Tool?

Both look about the same.
Are they interchangeable?
Can the USB2SER Dev. Tool be used as a Prop Plug to program the Propeller?
Are they interchangeable?
Can the USB2SER Dev. Tool be used as a Prop Plug to program the Propeller?
This difference is in the 5V / 3.3V connections to the FTDI chip.
However, this looks to be insignificant to its operation.
The important part is the 4 pin connector making connection to your board is the same.
I would say you should be good to go.
Prop Plug: VSS RES TX RX
The USB2Ser Dev. Tool is like many of the other "non parallax" adapters.
If my first adapter was the USB2Ser Dev. Tool I wouldn't have had to make
all these gender changers.
See another post regarding the RST pin:
The difference is that the USB2SER is really designed for 5V applications, but should be ok "in a pinch" for the Propeller, since there are 1K current limiting resistors on the RX and TX lines.
...By shifting the Plug over by one, the RES,TX, and RX align. The only signal you need to carry is VSS. A simple jumper wire will do the job.
nice tip. BUT ... the 1k resistors have been replaced by 150Ohm resistors with REV B and C. That's why I choosed to add 680Ohm.
Additionally I don't need it as a Basic Stamp programmer, thus I made it a full Prop-Plug ;o)
"the 1k resistors have been replaced by 150Ohm resistors with REV B and C" - I see that... I looked at the revA datasheet.
Still "in a pinch" it should be ok, but I wouldn't recommend it for a permanent setup. The FT232RQ datasheet indicates a maximum OUTPUT voltage from the datasheet (page 16 table #7) when VCCIO is powered from a 5V supply is at 4.9V(Max) ; 4.1V(Typical) ... The Diode drop of the Propeller (0.4V) and the difference of 3.3V amounts to 1.2V across the 150 Ohm resistor... or 8mA(Max) ;2.7mA(Typical) . The addition of a 680 Ohm resistor lessens the current to 1.4mA(Max) ;482uA(Typical).
Datasheet reference:
After searching the forums, this seems the best place for this (short of starting a thread).