DS18B20 Temperature Sensors
Hello there,
Recently I found out that my local electronic component stores started selling those in a discount, and instead of 5 dollars now it's around 2 dollars.
I searched in the 'net about the DS18B20 interfacing, but not much people are using it. They would prefer the classic LM35 + volt-reference.
Are they good and easy to use? The 1-wire interface could be very new to me. I'm still understanding the operation.
Recently I found out that my local electronic component stores started selling those in a discount, and instead of 5 dollars now it's around 2 dollars.
I searched in the 'net about the DS18B20 interfacing, but not much people are using it. They would prefer the classic LM35 + volt-reference.
Are they good and easy to use? The 1-wire interface could be very new to me. I'm still understanding the operation.
