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DS18B20 Temperature Sensors — Parallax Forums

DS18B20 Temperature Sensors

John A. ZoidbergJohn A. Zoidberg Posts: 514
edited 2011-08-19 12:06 in General Discussion
Hello there,

Recently I found out that my local electronic component stores started selling those in a discount, and instead of 5 dollars now it's around 2 dollars.

I searched in the 'net about the DS18B20 interfacing, but not much people are using it. They would prefer the classic LM35 + volt-reference.

Are they good and easy to use? The 1-wire interface could be very new to me. I'm still understanding the operation. :D


  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-03-29 19:28
    I've used them quite a bit and they work pretty good. I've used them with the Propeller chip, which has an object for running 1-wire devices. The great thing about the 1-wire system is that each device has its own address, so I can easily place 6 or more of these temperature sensors on a single input pin.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-08-19 12:06
    I just bought 5 for $4.88 shipped on Ebay, but immediately afterward, the same seller's price jumped to $10.88!
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