Propeller DAQ, possibly wireless
Has there been any work on a Propeller based DAQ system? I know there is the PropScope but I'm thinking of something similar to the DAQ's from National Instruments. Possibly even a wireless version with the XBee as a simple USB dongle connected to the base computer. This would provide remote data acquisition with LabView or other software programs.
The challenge would to provide as many different I/O possibilities as a NI DAQ. Analog I/O, Digital I/O, 1-5 V, +- 5V, +- 10V, 4-20 mA, +- 20 mA. Having 32 I/O pins on the Prop should be enough to accomplish this.
Inputs wouldn't be as difficult as the outputs....maybe. Analog inputs would need an ADC with a voltage divider.
Any thoughts?
The challenge would to provide as many different I/O possibilities as a NI DAQ. Analog I/O, Digital I/O, 1-5 V, +- 5V, +- 10V, 4-20 mA, +- 20 mA. Having 32 I/O pins on the Prop should be enough to accomplish this.
Inputs wouldn't be as difficult as the outputs....maybe. Analog inputs would need an ADC with a voltage divider.
Any thoughts?
I'm very happy with how the PropScope turned out- very capable analog input/output (professional bnc inputs, voltage dividers, ac/dc coupling, dual 10-bit adc's capable of 25msps, complex trigger, etc), some digital IO, and even expansion card you can hack. Not to mention Andy's phenomenal 350+ page book which covers most of what I know about electronics...
As I mentioned in my first post an average DAQ would provide the following I/O: Analog I/O, Digital I/O, 1-5 V, +- 5V, +- 10V, 4-20 mA, +- 20 mA. All those can be an input or an output to a system.
This would be a great educational tool for schools/tech schools/universities and anyone willing to learn control and numerous other DAQ features.
I do plan on looking more into the PropScope as I have been needing to upgrade from my old analog oscilloscope.
Thanks for you response.
ViewPort however is more general purpose. You program the Propeller to do whatever you want and use ViewPort as a user interface to monitor and control the Propeller. ViewPort includes several views, "simulated instruments" that graph your data in real time- and you can create your own. Similar to LabView, but much cheaper, easier to use, and specific for the Propeller.
Here is a thread about the IODreamkit
Nice to see you thinking about educational tools for schools- I'm currently working with several professors/schools/enthusiasts on a curriculum centered around my products- see the keynote presentation I gave earlier this month at the robotics summit:
Personally, I am going to start pursuing a wireless Prop based DAQ, capable of interfacing with LabView and possibly also ViewPort.
I envision a Prop DAQ as not having to program the Propeller. I see it as a strict replacement of NI DAQs. I continuously have a need to simulate a control system (or any other type of system) and not having the time to hard code or develop a circuit to test the system.
Maybe my imagination is running away from me, but I want to be able to connect a wire, throw in graphical blocks and test/run the system. The wireless part also makes it really appealing. I will need to sit on this for a few days and really consider what I am suggesting as well as look deeper into ViewPort and make sure I won't just be repeating what has already been done.
Your IODreamKit sounds promising. Is there any available for purchase?
Its nice to meet someone heavily involved in the robotics field, I am greatly disappointed in the lack of robotics/control systems curriculum at my current college.
IODreamkit hasn't made it past prototype stage- but PropScope is available here:
Good to meet you too! Good luck with your studies- I'd love feedback on your current curriculum to help improve the one I'm working on.
Some feedback on the curriculum I have been through, I'll try to keep this from turning into a rant. Also for reference my major is Electrical Engineering Technology, I have my AAS degree from a community college and am finishing my BS at a University. Most of my knowledge is from the community college (excellent EET program).
My first discrepancy is with using obsolete technology or close to obsolete. The micro controllers class and microprocessors class I took where solely about the Motorola 68000 and 6800. Granted these are still used by some companies and the basics are similar, I would've appreciated a more advanced up-to-date uC and uP. So up-to-date electronics are important and should be used(all the other classmates felt the same way).
The control systems class was excellent minus a few areas. We went over laplace transform, transfer functions, root-locus, and a little bit on PID. The negative areas was that there were no real application of the theoretical. No labs designing a system using the theoretical analysis.
The PLC class was .....lacking. We used Automation Direct PLC's yet we only used them to turn LED's on and off in different sequences. Some use of analog I/O and some actual analog control would have been beneficial.
A major area that a lot of my classmates could have used is a course about troubleshooting electrical circuits.
The circuits/electronics classes differed depending on the professor. Overall content was acceptable and understandable. We did spend an entire semester on transistors/diodes. The labs weren't enjoyable as the main premise of all the students was to finish the lab as quickly as possible.
Some classes/areas that I would've liked to see are robotics, mechatronics, control loops, analog signal conditioning, analog/discrete control, pneumatics, hydraulics, and the integration of pneumatics, hydraulics, and mechanics with electrical control systems.
I can go into great detail on some of the above topics, yet this thread is getting off topic. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further let me know.