$20 Gorilla Bot: Hackable?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6xUO5qxek video after annoying commercial
Prime-8 on clearance, $20 shipped. A bad first launch for CMU startup Bossa Nova Robotics.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6xUO5qxek video after annoying commercial
Prime-8 on clearance, $20 shipped. A bad first launch for CMU startup Bossa Nova Robotics.
Well sure one's no fun. But why buy one when you can have two at twice the price and play laser tag? Looks more like work than fun : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KJC_TPvclc&feature=relmfu
Prime-8 has a penguin sister Penbo, also on sale: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120699898229&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT No laser tag, no missiles, no blinding speed. This female Penguin's curious action feature: it lays an egg! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KRQn4IeMss
It appears that Bossa Nova Robotics "laid an egg" themselves on this one: http://www.allaboutstuff.com/Sports_Phrases/To_Lay_An_Egg.asp
One day you'll buy your girls a fancy and expensive toy and end up watching them play with the cardboard box it came in.
Yes... the toy is... well, a toy. But... the box... the box is an adventure to be experienced. It's a ship, an airplane, a cave, a castle, a house, a fort, a race car and it can even be disassembled and remade into even more things. Long live the box!!! ;-)
Cyclaws looks like it could be fun. I'm not sure if the claws extend on command or only when there's an obstacle.
It's hard to pass up but I think I will. $40 delivered. I already have way too many projects.
If anyone here gets one, I'd like to know what they think about it.
I like the way you think! Did you do anything with this? A bunch of motors and sensors in a cheap package looks like a lot of potential.
Just walking out of the local 'Shack yesterday and noticed they have a dinosaur from the same company that makes the Prime-8. Gonna go back today and take a closer look. (Okay... I like dinosaurs. I have Godzilla right here on my desk! :-> )