Bmp085 object

I´m not sure how it should be used.
I wrote the code BAROMETRO.SPIN.
All the files I use are in attachement!
Thanks a lot
I´m not sure how it should be used.
I wrote the code BAROMETRO.SPIN.
All the files I use are in attachement!
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' System clock → 80 MHz _xinfreq = 5_000_000 CR = 13 VAR word t,p OBJ Baro : "bmp085Object" Debug : "FullDuplexSerialPlus" PUB Init Debug.Start(31, 30, 0, 115200) waitcnt(clkfreq * 2 + cnt) Baro.init(0,1) main PUB Main repeat Debug.Str(String(CR, "start calculations.....")) baro.GetPressureTemp(0,1,3,t,p) Debug.Str(String(CR, "T = ")) Debug.Dec(t) Debug.Str(String(CR, "P = ")) Debug.Dec(P) waitcnt(clkfreq*1000 + cnt)
Thanks a lot

I think the problem is not in the sensor but how i "call" bmp085 object!!! (I think)
I can get the constants (READ REGISTERS) AC1..AC6; B1, B2; MB, MC, MD. I´m not sure about the signal (positive and negative). And i´m not sure about UT and UP values because i used the program from SMD500.
When i discovery the object (BMP085) i thought that i have my problem solved but i think I don´t know how use the object.
The files that i send now are just to READ REGISTERS from the sensor and it works.
I need to say thanks because bmp085Object help me a lot
You go think that i´m a big dummy in spin programing
at this moment i just ask why this code to call bmp085Object don´t work:
I get always t=p=0
I use the logic of bmp085Object to build a program without object and it works very good
I need to learn a lot!
Thanks a lot for share.