Looking for help with graphics on TV display
First of all, I'm a real newbie with the Propeller, though I have 30+ years experience in electronics and computer programming (along with a BSEE and a MSCSE,) so I'm comfortable with testing different ideas, etc. I've been able to modify the Keyboard_Demo.spin to produce TV output a line at a time (commenting out the keyboard related code for now.) What I'm interested in doing is plotting points on a TV screen or Computer monitor in response to data from an external device. I'm not worried about the external device interfacing or the associated code, as I'd like to become proficient at the graphics processing.
Are there some particular objects I should be looking at? I'm using the PropStick USB PE Platform, and have mimicked the circuitry for the TV terminal circuitry that exists on the Propeller Demo Board (video generated by pins P12, P13, and P14, as shown in "Figure 3-12 TV terminal and keyboard circuits" in Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller" from Parallax.
I've looked at several graphics objects, but without any documented demo codes, I'm at a loss for how to set up what appear to be numerous configuration variables, registers, etc.
I REALLY appreciate any help that someone might be able to provide. I've searched the forum for help, but the search function doesn't seem to be too helpful - at least for a newbie like me.
Thanks in advance! I hope to be a contributing member of the forum, as I have many years of experience in microcontroller interfacing, electronics in general, and failure analysis in particular.
Are there some particular objects I should be looking at? I'm using the PropStick USB PE Platform, and have mimicked the circuitry for the TV terminal circuitry that exists on the Propeller Demo Board (video generated by pins P12, P13, and P14, as shown in "Figure 3-12 TV terminal and keyboard circuits" in Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller" from Parallax.
I've looked at several graphics objects, but without any documented demo codes, I'm at a loss for how to set up what appear to be numerous configuration variables, registers, etc.
I REALLY appreciate any help that someone might be able to provide. I've searched the forum for help, but the search function doesn't seem to be too helpful - at least for a newbie like me.
Thanks in advance! I hope to be a contributing member of the forum, as I have many years of experience in microcontroller interfacing, electronics in general, and failure analysis in particular.
In my signature, I've linked a commented version of that, which should help you understand colors, tiles and such.