cognew help
I have attached the code. I am trying to launch cogs using a series of IF statements that repeats indefinitely. I have commented out all the pieces of code that i haven't written all the parts to but I dont understand what is wrong with what i have. The program runs great until the IF statements.
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for your help,
A few things, if you keep keep calling cognew in a loop you'll will eventually run out of cogs (lcdsteer will exit but it starts up a serial driver which isn't shut down and consumes a cog). Stack space for cognew/coginit starts at index 0, i.e. cognew(lcdsteer, @stack4[30]) will definitely corrupt VAR memory (use cognew(lcdsteer, @stack4{0} instead).
When the program gets to the point where the IF sequence should loop, everything goes crazy (lights flash, lcd displays weird characters and it freezes). I have a 4 way rotary switch next to an LCD. The LCD will display different data when the switch is in different positions. (the if sequence) When I change the stack value to 0, the lcdselect works the new cog is not launched.
thanks so much for the help,
Choosing stacks needs a bit of fiddling around. It's best to start with a bigger value (personally I use 32 longs) and go down from there if memory gets tight (but not below the minimum value for that method).
As for the loop, you'll still have to do something to counter the LCD.start call. As I said, this simply starts a serial driver consuming a cog. Once lcdsteer exits it doesn't stop the LCD driver. Meaning you just lost/leaked a cog.
For example:
you have already a quite complex program but - from what you ask - I assume you knowledge about programming is quite medium. Espessially about programming the propeller with parallal working processes.
So IMHO there are two ways to get your application finished: one that takes a real long time and one that takes only a medium long time.
The real long time way is to hurry up trying to do everything at the same time and do almost no testing. This will end up in a lot of hidden bugs and it will take a long time to find them because they can be all over in the code
bug a causing bug b casuing bug c only if .....
The other way seem to decelerate the progress of the project. It will need more time at the beginning but it will pay of 10 times at the end.
This way is to code in a certain style. This style is to divide things into senseful units.(=methods) each method does ONE thing. This is what you already do maybe not consequent in every case but most of the time.
Then writing one method at a time and after finishing writing the code do extensive testings of just this single method until it works properly.
Only after finishing these tests start with the next method. This will assure that bugs are in most cases in the actual method (and nowhere else). This will make it much easier to find bugs.
Especially about the LCD: if more than one cog sends directly to the LCD it will happen that two or even more cogs send data at the same time. And then all the data gets mixed up.
How to solve this? By using a buffer. Your LCD has a finite number of characters. Define two buffers for each character as a bytearray. Then there will be one method that compares each character of buffer1 with buffer2.
If a value has changed send buffer2 to LCD actualise buffer1 with value from buffer2.
All other methods write into the buffer at well defined positions
temperature-value write into buffer at first line columm 1 - 6
joystick position write value into buffer at fourth line colum 1- 20
now the temperature-value and the steer-character can be written into the buffer at any time as often as you want.
whenever the the LCD-write-method detects a difference in any byte of the buffer it will send all bytes ALWAYS in sequence and nothing gets mixed up anymore.
for other methods you define constants with different values
c_idle = 0
c_LED1_on = 1
c_LED1_of = 2
define a global variable and check this variable for its value
if MyVar <> c_idle then
case MyVar
c_LED1_on : ....
c_LED1_off : ....
the basic concept for all is to detect CHANGES (LCD_buffer vlaue changes, MyVar-value changes etc.
and then do something apropriate depending on the value.
After finishing this action set MyVar := c_idle again
best regards
I apologize for such a late response. This information is so very helpful. I am going to do just as you both have suggested with the buffer. I am going to Kansas State University currently and this program is for a tractor pull. This advice helps so much. I would be delighted if you both would let me contribute parts to a project you are working on as my thanks. I'm sure i will have more questions but for now this will get me started.
One question is the Stering character at the bottom of the screen need to be seen in each of the 4 screens?
I looked at yoru code and it looks like you have 8 cogs you want to start so start the cogs at the first of the main program like kuroneko said to do then each of your cogs will have global variables for the data like Stefanl38 suggested, you want to read by the LCD cog and inside the LCD cog setup your 4 position rotary switch input loop to clear and veiw the global variable from the cog you want to veiw.
This should keep each cog running and instead of starting and stoping the cogs which does take a little time and then should work like you envision.
By the way this sounds like a really fun project..
Thanks for the input. I am still learning the propeller platform but I'm getting there. This is a neat project. Creating the global variables for the LCD cog to read makes sense but how would you suggest I use the variables to run the LCD cog. What you are saying makes complete sense, i just need a bit more detail still, I'm not that familiar yet.