Problem: Bouncing through cogs
Hi Guys,
I got a problem. I have a 2 prop circuit board. One of the props all the cogs get used including overwriting Cog 0. The other prop can set a line high or low to get the attention of the first prop. The prop that is all used up has 8 assembly routines running, but can poll this I/O line.
My question is how can I leave these assembly routines and restart Cog 0 with the initial spin code without reseting the processor.
Thanks for any ideals
I got a problem. I have a 2 prop circuit board. One of the props all the cogs get used including overwriting Cog 0. The other prop can set a line high or low to get the attention of the first prop. The prop that is all used up has 8 assembly routines running, but can poll this I/O line.
My question is how can I leave these assembly routines and restart Cog 0 with the initial spin code without reseting the processor.
Thanks for any ideals