I was thinking about having "another" chip as a loader and periferals source, leaving as many pins for SRAM as possible. So far I keep looping back to Clusso's Blades 1 + 2 which I had over a year ago.
I was thinking about having "another" chip as a loader and periferals source, leaving as many pins for SRAM as possible. So far I keep looping back to Clusso's Blades 1 + 2 which I had over a year ago. But those wheels do need re-inventing though.
Toby, if you don't count RESn as an I/O pin, there's only one pin usage (P31), which leaves 31 pins free in the loaded props. The loading prop could source many peripherals. After props are loaded, the pins can be recycled. So now we're at 32 pins available again.
Does anyone have a copy of the propeller schematic jpg design posted here originally? I had retracted it to post a new version when the hard drive crashed and everything was lost. Now the old file will help me make the new design. Thank you sincerely.
But those wheels do need re-inventing though.