Lisy300 gyro with Helicopter?
Posts: 77
Hi guys maybe someone can help I bought a pretty awesome ebay helicopter on of the giant 42 inch ones. I want to stabalize it using the Lisy300 gyro I do not fully understand how to do this I have the gyro working with the demo on my prop circuit but how would you connect to the heli ??? Even basic info would be helpfull. thanks .. The heli has 4 channels I was thinking of connecting to the tail motor but it just forced the heli into a nose dive and almost took off my head I am looking more to have it just hover
If you have some experience with helicos before look at the Feytech fy20A : it maybe a solution to stabilize an helico.
If you have no exeperience in flying helicos find somebody (or a club) with experience to help. Alone it maybe dangerous. Try with a small helico like the LAMA 3 or 4.
Have fun