Prop Tool / BST Bug?
After having FireFox crash multiple times (on Windows 2k & 98SE), I decided to try to find the common link, and it only happens when either the windows variant of BST, or Propeller Tool, or both are running. Subsequently I have also found that a number of other apps misbehave in the same situation. This can be reliable reproduced on three different boxes, two PC-Emulators (Bochs, and VirtualBox), as well as under linux + wine (with the win ver of firefox) and ReactOS (though the last two could be as much a problem with there system).
Having verified that there is NO other software in common with these events, Has anyone else had these problems? What are the fixes that may have worked?
Having verified that there is NO other software in common with these events, Has anyone else had these problems? What are the fixes that may have worked?