Spin Pop Quiz, what's wrong with the SetPosition method.
The SetPosition method in the code below contains the same bug in two places. Can you spot it? I felt pretty silly when I finally did.
I'll check back later and see if anyone got it. I'll also post the corrected code in case no one does.
I'll check back later and see if anyone got it. I'll also post the corrected code in case no one does.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' Angular values for common angles RIGHT_ANGLE = pi / 2.0 STRAIGHT_ANGLE = pi FULL_ROTATION = 2.0 * pi ' Arm dimensions in mm BASE_HGT = 95 ' base hight 3.75" HUMERUS = 133 ' shoulder-to-elbow "bone" 5.25" ULNA = 157 ' elbow-to-wrist "bone" 6 3/16" GRIPPER = 127 ' gripper (incl. wrist rotate mechanism) length 5" ' Servo names and pin assignments. BASE_SERVO = 0 SHOL_SERVO = 1 ELBO_SERVO = 2 WRIS_SERVO = 4 WROT_SERVO = 5 GRIP_SERVO = 6 ' pre-calculations for right triangle trig. HUME_SQ = HUMERUS * HUMERUS ULNA_SQ = ULNA * ULNA OBJ f32 : "F32" fs : "FloatString" pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" servo : "Servo32v7.spin" VAR ' Coordinates in arm polar space. long m_baseAngleRads long m_sholAngleRads long m_elboAngleRads long m_wrisAngleRads long m_wrisRotAngleRads ' Coordinate of gripper tip in cartesian space. long m_x long m_y long m_z long m_wrisGroundAngleRads ' Start and Stop methods removed for brevity as they aren't the problem. PUB SetPosition(x, y, z, wristAngle) | grip_off_y, grip_off_z, wrist_y, wrist_z, s_w, s_w_sqrt, a1, a2, elb_angle_rn {{ SetPosition : Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics. Since the arm is resting on a surface Z can only be positive. Servo movement contraints prevent y from being negative, But X can be a signed value. Parameters: x integer side to side displacement. y integer distance out from the base center. z integer height above the table wristAngle wrist angle of the gripper in radians. }} ' Save the cartesian space coordinates. m_x := x m_y := y m_z := z m_wrisGroundAngleRads := wristAngle ' Convert x and y to float and compute a polar angle to position the base. SetBase(f32.ATan2(f32.FFloat(x), f32.FFloat(y))) ' Compute the vector magnitude and hold in the y coordinate. y := ^^((x * x) + (y * y)) ' Convert gripper length to float and use for Gripper offsets calculated ' based on grip angle and convert back to integer with rounding. grip_off_z := f32.FRound(f32.FMul(f32.Sin(wristAngle), FLOAT(GRIPPER))) grip_off_y := f32.FRound(f32.FMul(f32.Cos(wristAngle), FLOAT(GRIPPER))) ' Wrist position wrist_z := (z - grip_off_z) - BASE_HGT wrist_y := y - grip_off_y ' Shoulder to wrist distance is a hypotenuse ( AKA sw ) s_w := (wrist_z * wrist_z) + (wrist_y * wrist_y) s_w_sqrt := ^^ s_w ' s_w angle to ground a1 := f32.ATan2(f32.FFloat(wrist_z), f32.FFloat(wrist_y)) ' s_w angle to humerus a2 := f32.ACos(f32.FFloat( ((HUME_SQ - ULNA_SQ) + s_w) / (2 * HUMERUS * s_w_sqrt) )) ' Position servo to shoulder angle and set the shoulder data member SetShoulder(f32.FAdd(a1, a2)) ' Position servo to elbow angle and set the elbow data member. SetElbow(f32.ACos(f32.FFloat((HUME_SQ + ULNA_SQ - s_w) / (2 * HUMERUS * ULNA)))) elb_angle_rn := f32.FNeg(f32.FSub(STRAIGHT_ANGLE, m_elboAngleRads)) ' wrist angle SetWristAngle(f32.FSub(f32.FSub(wristAngle, elb_angle_rn), m_sholAngleRads)) ' Set methods removed for brevity as they aren't the problem.
' s_w angle to humerus
a2 := f32.ACos( f32.FDiv( f32.FFloat((HUME_SQ - ULNA_SQ) + s_w), f32.FFloat(2 * HUMERUS * s_w_sqrt) ) )
The second one needed the same fix. A real groaner when I found it.