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Spin Pop Quiz, what's wrong with the SetPosition method. — Parallax Forums

Spin Pop Quiz, what's wrong with the SetPosition method.

Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
edited 2011-03-22 13:24 in Propeller 1
The SetPosition method in the code below contains the same bug in two places. Can you spot it? I felt pretty silly when I finally did.

I'll check back later and see if anyone got it. I'll also post the corrected code in case no one does.
         _clkmode       = xtal1 + pll16x
        _xinfreq        = 5_000_000

        ' Angular values for common angles
        RIGHT_ANGLE     = pi / 2.0
        STRAIGHT_ANGLE  = pi
        FULL_ROTATION   = 2.0 * pi

        ' Arm dimensions in mm
        BASE_HGT        = 95    ' base hight 3.75"
        HUMERUS         = 133   ' shoulder-to-elbow "bone" 5.25"
        ULNA            = 157   ' elbow-to-wrist "bone" 6 3/16"
        GRIPPER         = 127   ' gripper (incl. wrist rotate mechanism) length 5"

        ' Servo names and pin assignments.
        BASE_SERVO      = 0
        SHOL_SERVO      = 1
        ELBO_SERVO      = 2
        WRIS_SERVO      = 4
        WROT_SERVO      = 5
        GRIP_SERVO      = 6

        ' pre-calculations for right triangle trig.
        ULNA_SQ = ULNA * ULNA
        f32     : "F32"
        fs      : "FloatString"
        pst     : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
        servo   : "Servo32v7.spin" 

        ' Coordinates in arm polar space.
        long m_baseAngleRads
        long m_sholAngleRads
        long m_elboAngleRads
        long m_wrisAngleRads
        long m_wrisRotAngleRads

        ' Coordinate of gripper tip in cartesian space.
        long m_x
        long m_y
        long m_z
        long m_wrisGroundAngleRads

' Start and Stop methods removed for brevity as they aren't the problem.
PUB SetPosition(x, y, z, wristAngle) | grip_off_y, grip_off_z, wrist_y, wrist_z, s_w, s_w_sqrt, a1, a2, elb_angle_rn
  SetPosition : Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Since the arm is
    resting on a surface Z can only be positive.  Servo movement contraints prevent y
    from being negative, But X can be a signed value.
    x   integer side to side displacement.
    y   integer distance out from the base center.
    z   integer height above the table
    wristAngle    wrist angle of the gripper in radians.
  ' Save the cartesian space coordinates.
  m_x := x
  m_y := y
  m_z := z
  m_wrisGroundAngleRads := wristAngle

  ' Convert x and y to float and compute a polar angle to position the base.
  SetBase(f32.ATan2(f32.FFloat(x), f32.FFloat(y)))

  ' Compute the vector magnitude and hold in the y coordinate.
  y := ^^((x * x) + (y * y))

  ' Convert gripper length to float and use for Gripper offsets calculated
  ' based on grip angle and convert back to integer with rounding.
  grip_off_z := f32.FRound(f32.FMul(f32.Sin(wristAngle), FLOAT(GRIPPER)))
  grip_off_y := f32.FRound(f32.FMul(f32.Cos(wristAngle), FLOAT(GRIPPER)))

  ' Wrist position
  wrist_z := (z - grip_off_z) - BASE_HGT
  wrist_y := y - grip_off_y

  ' Shoulder to wrist distance is a hypotenuse ( AKA sw )
  s_w := (wrist_z * wrist_z) + (wrist_y * wrist_y)
  s_w_sqrt := ^^ s_w

  ' s_w angle to ground
  a1 := f32.ATan2(f32.FFloat(wrist_z), f32.FFloat(wrist_y))

  ' s_w angle to humerus
  a2 := f32.ACos(f32.FFloat( ((HUME_SQ - ULNA_SQ) + s_w) / (2 * HUMERUS * s_w_sqrt) ))

  ' Position servo to shoulder angle and set the shoulder data member
  SetShoulder(f32.FAdd(a1, a2))

  ' Position servo to elbow angle and set the elbow data member.
  SetElbow(f32.ACos(f32.FFloat((HUME_SQ + ULNA_SQ - s_w) / (2 * HUMERUS * ULNA))))
  elb_angle_rn := f32.FNeg(f32.FSub(STRAIGHT_ANGLE, m_elboAngleRads))

  ' wrist angle
  SetWristAngle(f32.FSub(f32.FSub(wristAngle, elb_angle_rn), m_sholAngleRads))

' Set methods removed for brevity as they aren't the problem.


  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-03-22 09:29
    It's probably to big a bite of code for a code puzzler. Look at the arc cosine call.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-03-22 13:24
    Spin's math operators are all integer. However, even when you've made sure of your data types and converted to float, you can still have bugs. This is the corrected ACos call:

    ' s_w angle to humerus
    a2 := f32.ACos( f32.FDiv( f32.FFloat((HUME_SQ - ULNA_SQ) + s_w), f32.FFloat(2 * HUMERUS * s_w_sqrt) ) )

    The second one needed the same fix. A real groaner when I found it.
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