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PEK Labs and XBee Series 1 problem — Parallax Forums

PEK Labs and XBee Series 1 problem

charleyshfcharleyshf Posts: 165
edited 2011-03-19 18:51 in Propeller 1

I am trying to figure out why my xbee's are not working the way I expect them to using the following code from the PEK labs book:
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000
  Debug: "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
PUB TwoWayCom | value
  ''Test Parallax Serial Terminal number entry and display.
  Debug.start(15, 14, 0, 57600)
  waitcnt(clkfreq*2 + cnt)
     Debug.Str(String("Enter a decimal value: "))
     value := Debug.getDec
     Debug.Str(String(13, "You Entered", 13, "--------------"))
     Debug.Str(String(13, "Decimal: "))
     Debug.Str(String(13, "Hexadecimal: "))
     Debug.Hex(value, 8)
     Debug.Str(String(13, "Binary: "))
     Debug.Bin(value, 32)
     repeat 2

While this works fine using just the prop connected to my pc and using PST, when I go to use my Xbee modules, it will display the first result, then nothing else, and on both Xbee breakout boards(Sparkfun USB and Sparkfun breakout), the RSSI lights are both on for about 3-4 seconds.

My Xbee's are currently configured for fast AT mode, did I miss something on the XBee modules?

I can send text back and fourth without any problems using the XBees, but for some reason using this example from the PEK Labs seems to lockup.

Thanks in advance.
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