How do you search in the propeller-forum?

the new forum software ist pretty good except fro one thing: the search function.
f.e. I wanted to find threads about the C3-board
quick-search, advanced search all checkboxes on alway the same:
result: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
what??!!?? no matches??!!?? cannot be!
quick test with google
c3 site:
... 3 pages of hits.
@the forum-software-administrator:
change the search-field to a custumised google-search. The inbuild forum-searchfunction is Smile!
I recommend to implement the software from
This is one of the best search-tools. The best I have ever seen.
it can create search-resultpages where you can read some lines before and after the keywords.
This enables quick cross-readings if a posting is relevant or not.
best regards
the new forum software ist pretty good except fro one thing: the search function.
f.e. I wanted to find threads about the C3-board
quick-search, advanced search all checkboxes on alway the same:
result: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
what??!!?? no matches??!!?? cannot be!
quick test with google
c3 site:
... 3 pages of hits.
@the forum-software-administrator:
change the search-field to a custumised google-search. The inbuild forum-searchfunction is Smile!
I recommend to implement the software from
This is one of the best search-tools. The best I have ever seen.
it can create search-resultpages where you can read some lines before and after the keywords.
This enables quick cross-readings if a posting is relevant or not.
best regards
I'm back to using google search mostly. Such a pitty.
For those not familiar with searching for Parallax specific queries on the forum with google, here's one for "C3" C3 (Enter into the Google box)
Works with most queries on the forums.
I've been getting a few PMs lately along the lines of "where is that code you posted earlier"? I can't really ask people to do a search because I can't find the code myself on the forum!
Even when you get lots of hits, what do you do next - click on the appropriate thread? What if the thread is 20 pages long?
I'm sure there is a simple answer but maybe it needs to be even simpler!
@Publison, Indeed. I do the same from the address bar in the Chrome web browser all the time.
On the forum search one can add a * to a 3 character string and get hits. 12 pages of hits is just crazy.
My example was not a very good one. To rephrase - a person wishes to search for a topic which they recall seeing earlier, and they enter the search term, and the top entry is a thread that has 25 pages.
I just found the answer - top right corner there are a few buttons and one of them is "search thread"