Propellent Adding Ref to VB 2010 .NET Error

Hello All,
I feel this might been answered before but searching the forum turns out fruitless. Sorry for asking again.
I'm trying to do a "Add reference" of Propellent.dll to Visual Basic 2010 but an error appears saying that Propellent.dll is not a valid assembly or COM component. Don't know what that means. If you can point me to the right direction, it'll be very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
I feel this might been answered before but searching the forum turns out fruitless. Sorry for asking again.
I'm trying to do a "Add reference" of Propellent.dll to Visual Basic 2010 but an error appears saying that Propellent.dll is not a valid assembly or COM component. Don't know what that means. If you can point me to the right direction, it'll be very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
I have used this with the first propellant release only, so it may require some changes to work with the current version.
Jeff T.
The example code on the web-site is extremely helpful since I'm just starting out on VB. Thank you!