A C3 Port Adapter Board
Attached find my design of a C3 adapter board which enables direct connection of devices and digilent style boards to the C3. The second attachment shows a populated adapter card inserted into the C3. Four digilent ports (4 pins + grd & 3.3V) for P0-P3, P4-P7, P16-P19, and P20-P23 are on the left side. The analog input port (5V) is on the bottom left. From the right top down, there are a prop plug port, 2 stacked SPI ports (digilent style), and the I2C port.
I hope C3 users will find my approach to an accessory board of interest.
I hope C3 users will find my approach to an accessory board of interest.
Great to see an option board for the C3.
I like the digilent blocks, and know Cluso does too.