Another rant or commentary, your pick!
Application of Murphy's law in Basic Stamp.
It works better if you plug it in - right way!
Nowadays it is fashionable to blame lack of interest in engineering professions in US on poor education.
Hogwash! I beg to differ.
You can argue you way out of missing a field goal, but – to illustrate my point and make it, as requred by posting rule, Parallax related(!) in familiar territory of Basic Stamp - when you plug the processor chip upside – down, when it is clearly marked on the PCB, you have a cooked processor and no silver tongue sweet talking gets you out of the mess.
Things are not going to change when most “poorly educated” folks think that pushing buttons while texting or playing Game Boy is a technical skill.
And that is why there are hamburger joints and coffee shops on every corner.
Luckily they are hard to import from India, China...(substitute any other country here).
IF “he is full of it” THEN
“I do not care!”
“So what is new?”
Cheer up Vaclav!
It works better if you plug it in - right way!
Nowadays it is fashionable to blame lack of interest in engineering professions in US on poor education.
Hogwash! I beg to differ.
You can argue you way out of missing a field goal, but – to illustrate my point and make it, as requred by posting rule, Parallax related(!) in familiar territory of Basic Stamp - when you plug the processor chip upside – down, when it is clearly marked on the PCB, you have a cooked processor and no silver tongue sweet talking gets you out of the mess.
Things are not going to change when most “poorly educated” folks think that pushing buttons while texting or playing Game Boy is a technical skill.
And that is why there are hamburger joints and coffee shops on every corner.
Luckily they are hard to import from India, China...(substitute any other country here).
IF “he is full of it” THEN
“I do not care!”
“So what is new?”
Cheer up Vaclav!
As far as the incorrectly inserted the chip, mistakes happen, hopefully the lesson to be learned is to check, double check, and triple check before applying power.
I do find the directions for the BS2 OEM to be a little lacking for beginners.
I just assembled one a couple weeks ago, and for someone with experience it was simple, but I can see that it was less than ideal for a beginner.
The first PC board based kit that I assembled was an ELF II from Netronics back in the late 70's.
The directions were very explicit with a "checkbox" made from a pair of parentheses beside each item.
That simple addition of the checkbox made it somehow very clear that the steps should be followed explicitly and marked off as each was completed.
I spent a few years as an IT Tech back in the 80's and was suprised to see how many other supposedly technically competent people would completely screw up software installs and upgrades for the lack if being able to follow a simple set of instructions. The simple act of checking off items as you go can save a lot of pain in the end.