Scribbler 1 on ebay - Direct from Pallax

This won't last long..only one available. Right from the source Buy It Now - $60.00
Brand New! Not Referb.
Brand New! Not Referb.
Edit: gone now!
Ken, just how many do you have?
Probably around 150 Scribbler units to start and about 132 left to sell. I traded them out for S2s to a customer who was using them in a science camp. They were pretty happy with the S1 but I knew the S2 would seal their interest for the long term so we did a switcheroo.
Erco, you must have a lot of electronic stuff. You're the master of good internet deals!
Ken Gracey
Just saw this at
15 original Scribbler robots have been posted to eBay. "Buy It Now" price of $60.00 each. #FB
about 21 hours ago via web
By the time I got home today, my dogs had opened the top, and ate out a corner of the packaging. :frown:
But the Scribbler was untouched. :cool:
Thanks pbasic1!