I've never used the L297, but its data sheet says "The L297 is intended for use with a dual bridge driver, quad darlington array or discrete power devices in step motor driving applications."
So you might want to look at something like the L298 to go with it. But pay special attention to the current requirements of your motor, etc.
The L297 creates logic level signals, it cannot directly drive the motor, the L298 is a driver that, using the signals from the L297, can drive the motor.
Look up the datasheets using google, the datasheets contain examples.
Can u explain me please what is the diffirences between L297 and L298? Why can't i use L297 alone?
To expand a little on what C.W. has already said: some chips can provide logic only. In other words, they deal with signals with very little current and often a very restricted voltage range. Other chips are known as "drivers" and these are able to channel more electrical current and they also often have a wider voltage range. Think of the L297 as a brain. Though a brain can produce electricity, it's not enough power to flick a light switch. But the brain can produce enough electricity to control some muscles, and the muscles then use their own chemical energy to move things, enough energy to flick a light switch. Using this analogy, the brain is the L297 and something like a L298 is the muscle.
It is used instead of the L298, and the L297 is out of the picture. All the stepping is done by your uController. The L297/L298 combo is used for a more intelligent control.
All depends on what you what to accomplish. Just basic learning, or developing a product?
what is uController?
i am trying to built a robot that can track an target etc... It has 2 stepper motors and both of them is bipolar. I wrote a software in CVI in order to control it. And i am using parallel port so i have only 8 pins to use..
It is a way of writing micro controller, sometimes called a microprocessor. If you like building robots, you should look at the Propeller chip that Parallax sells. It has 8 built-in parallel processors, which allow your robot to run multiple tasks at the same time.
I am so confused....
So now i need Propeller chip. Can someone tell me what i need in order to run 2 stepper motors in same time? And can i control them with C++ or another software by sending "1" from parallel port???
You don't need a propeller, but it would enable you to let your robot travel without being connected to a computer by a wire. Using a parallel port will work if you have a stepper motor driver that takes basic step and direction inputs, like this one: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10267
To make them run you only need two signal wires: step, and direction (in addition to power and ground). That would mean you could control two motors and still have four pins left over. If you decide to try to make your robot "wireless" in the future, it's very easy to run these drivers with a microcontroller instead of a PC.
If you're really interested in robotics, then you really should learn how to work with microcontrollers like the Propeller chip or consider something like one of the Basic Stamps that Parallax makes. In any case, you need to get away from using a laptop to run a robot. Using microcontrollers is cheaper, smaller and gives you a lot more flexibility. With a single Propeller chip, you could control 3 or more stepper motors at the same time, no problem. Plus add on a few sensors, blinking lights, etc. It's really worth the effort to learn how to work with something like the Propeller.
so for beginning L297and L298 comb. is ok. I have already found in ebay. So for the last time is this comb. ok?
I think the data sheet for the L297 shows how the L298 works together with the L297. Have you found a copy of the L297 data sheet yet?
Also, if you Google L297 L298, you will find a treasure trove of articles that discuss how to use those two chips together. And some videos, too. It looks like a common approach.
I ordered 2 pairs of L297 and L298 but i have a problem ; i don't know how to connect them. I have schematic but i am not sure... I need help. I want to control it by using parallel port.
On the L297 you connect to the pins labelled "Clock" and "CW / CCW". The CW/CCW pin chooses direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise). Pulsing the clock pin will make it step in the chosen direction.
I know how to send pulses. The thing is where to connect them in L297 and how will i chose and connect the diodes?
I think the diodes in your schematic are considered "flyback diodes". They quickly dump the energy stored in the motor coils when the motor coils are switched. See Wikipedia and note how each diode is oriented with respect to the voltage applied to its respective motor winding. You chose diodes that can take at least 2 amps or so, or maybe more depending on your application:
At a glance, it doesn't look bad. But at what currents and voltages are you running your motor? Have you looked through the data sheet on this item?
Generally speaking I would like to caution you about something: you seem to be new at working with stepper motors, true? And if you aren't a little bit careful with your design and construction, etc. it's possible you can create some currents that could be harmful to your computer. And because you want to control your robotics with your computer via the parallel port, I'm a little worried you could fry your computer while you're still learning how to work with this. I'm not sure how likely it is that you might zap your whole system (maybe some computer experts here could comment on this), but I think it would be safer to learn to use a microcontroller (Propeller chip or Basic Stamp, etc.) to run your robot. Just my 2 cents speaking.
Just a personal bias ... When dealing with voltages and currents that have the potential for damaging either you personally or your possibly expensive equipment, it's always better to buy someone else's hopefully well designed and tested solution. This includes any voltages above the operating voltage of the computer or logic circuitry (5V or 3.3V usually) and any currents much more than 20mA or maybe 30mA. If you understand how to use parts like the L298 or equivalent, that's great, but you have to understand the other stuff that's needed for it to work like the protective diodes and other parts. Read datasheets. Read application notes. Read other people's comments on the subject. Read hobbyist magazines like Servo or Nuts and Volts. Look at other people's designs for similar projects.
Yes u r right , i am very new at it.
About my computer , i am using an old computer and i have 2 more
The diode hat i found is up to 3A and 40 volts , i hope it is enough.
About motor i need to check it again how much volt it needs.
Ps: Maybe u don't know but u r helping me so much and thanks.
So you might want to look at something like the L298 to go with it. But pay special attention to the current requirements of your motor, etc.
The L297 creates logic level signals, it cannot directly drive the motor, the L298 is a driver that, using the signals from the L297, can drive the motor.
Look up the datasheets using google, the datasheets contain examples.
To expand a little on what C.W. has already said: some chips can provide logic only. In other words, they deal with signals with very little current and often a very restricted voltage range. Other chips are known as "drivers" and these are able to channel more electrical current and they also often have a wider voltage range. Think of the L297 as a brain. Though a brain can produce electricity, it's not enough power to flick a light switch. But the brain can produce enough electricity to control some muscles, and the muscles then use their own chemical energy to move things, enough energy to flick a light switch. Using this analogy, the brain is the L297 and something like a L298 is the muscle.
Can i say L297 also saves used pin numbers?
Could you explain what you are asking in this question?
Are you asking whether or not the L297 saves the number of pins you need to use? If so, what are you comparing it to?
Read this article and scroll to the end to see connections:
The SN754410 is a direct pin for pin replacement which will handle 1 Amp per winding, total of 2 Amp per chip.
All depends on what you what to accomplish. Just basic learning, or developing a product?
i am trying to built a robot that can track an target etc... It has 2 stepper motors and both of them is bipolar. I wrote a software in CVI in order to control it. And i am using parallel port so i have only 8 pins to use..
It is a way of writing micro controller, sometimes called a microprocessor. If you like building robots, you should look at the Propeller chip that Parallax sells. It has 8 built-in parallel processors, which allow your robot to run multiple tasks at the same time.
So now i need Propeller chip. Can someone tell me what i need in order to run 2 stepper motors in same time? And can i control them with C++ or another software by sending "1" from parallel port???
To make them run you only need two signal wires: step, and direction (in addition to power and ground). That would mean you could control two motors and still have four pins left over. If you decide to try to make your robot "wireless" in the future, it's very easy to run these drivers with a microcontroller instead of a PC.
If you're really interested in robotics, then you really should learn how to work with microcontrollers like the Propeller chip or consider something like one of the Basic Stamps that Parallax makes. In any case, you need to get away from using a laptop to run a robot. Using microcontrollers is cheaper, smaller and gives you a lot more flexibility. With a single Propeller chip, you could control 3 or more stepper motors at the same time, no problem. Plus add on a few sensors, blinking lights, etc. It's really worth the effort to learn how to work with something like the Propeller.
I think the data sheet for the L297 shows how the L298 works together with the L297. Have you found a copy of the L297 data sheet yet?
Also, if you Google L297 L298, you will find a treasure trove of articles that discuss how to use those two chips together. And some videos, too. It looks like a common approach.
I ordered 2 pairs of L297 and L298 but i have a problem ; i don't know how to connect them. I have schematic but i am not sure... I need help. I want to control it by using parallel port.
I have no idea how to do this, but did you try googling it?
Maybe look at this???
I think the diodes in your schematic are considered "flyback diodes". They quickly dump the energy stored in the motor coils when the motor coils are switched. See Wikipedia and note how each diode is oriented with respect to the voltage applied to its respective motor winding. You chose diodes that can take at least 2 amps or so, or maybe more depending on your application:
At a glance, it doesn't look bad. But at what currents and voltages are you running your motor? Have you looked through the data sheet on this item?
Generally speaking I would like to caution you about something: you seem to be new at working with stepper motors, true? And if you aren't a little bit careful with your design and construction, etc. it's possible you can create some currents that could be harmful to your computer. And because you want to control your robotics with your computer via the parallel port, I'm a little worried you could fry your computer while you're still learning how to work with this. I'm not sure how likely it is that you might zap your whole system (maybe some computer experts here could comment on this), but I think it would be safer to learn to use a microcontroller (Propeller chip or Basic Stamp, etc.) to run your robot. Just my 2 cents speaking.
About my computer , i am using an old computer and i have 2 more
The diode hat i found is up to 3A and 40 volts , i hope it is enough.
About motor i need to check it again how much volt it needs.
Ps: Maybe u don't know but u r helping me so much and thanks.