Good mini OLED/LCD?
Hello guys... I was looking at this module from 4D systems and i wondered if anybody here had any experience with it? Is the refresh rate as painfully slow as the OLED-96-G1? I assume it would be a little faster seeing as it is a new model and all. It's also cheaper than my current system. I need something small for my Prop PDA that i am still working on:)
Thanks for posting the's just what I need, another
place to shop. :-)
You can stream video from the uSD card which is located at the back
My copy of that little gem from 4D is somewhere between Australia and my house in the US.....when it arrives and I fire it up, I'll be able to let everybody know.
I have one of the Microtouch [2.4] ( http:// ) coming from Adafruit. It's on big brown truck scheduled to show up tomorrow.