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Solar Devices

khaled alsalmankhaled alsalman Posts: 7
edited 2011-03-09 15:07 in General Discussion
Hello everybody

I am just wondering what solar device I should install ( if its possible ) on boe bot USP Version. MY robot is going to have:

4 Pack of pings.
Say It Module

On my robot I am trying to make him able to follow simple objects and trying to use say it module to make him able to recognize voices and commands ( this is what i have understood from the store website on parallax)

the question now is, is it possible to get a solar kit that could run all these stuff together?

is it also possible to have a rechargable batteris and the solar kit, so the pwoer that will be gained by the solar kit could be transfered to the battries?

I am sorry guys for bothering you, I am just making this robot with no pervious background about boe bot.

Thank you


  • Kevin CookKevin Cook Posts: 159
    edited 2011-03-08 16:38
    Here is a couple Threads that may help:!&highlight=Boe-Bot+solar

    Dave Andrea Here has one made. I can't find the Thread but you can email him and he should be able to list out some details for you on the parts used.
  • Matt GillilandMatt Gilliland Posts: 1,406
    edited 2011-03-08 16:45
    And to piggy-back onto Kevin's comment -

    I'm currently working with Dave on making this a *real-product* - a kind of build-it yourself solar-boe-bot-conversion-*lift*-kit.

    It's coming next, as soon as the Li-ion Charger/Power pack is out of my hands.
  • Matt GillilandMatt Gilliland Posts: 1,406
    edited 2011-03-08 16:54
    Here's a pic of Dave's prototype -
    In consists of (4) of our 6 volt solar cells, a couple of super-caps, and standard boe-bot stuff.
    Isn't he cuter than a bug?


    1024 x 768 - 95K
  • khaled alsalmankhaled alsalman Posts: 7
    edited 2011-03-08 19:27
    Thank you very much guys
    I will email him now and try to find out, I was looking at the 30 watt solar device at the store but was wondering if its enough for the 4 pings and sayit mould.

    thank you again for your quick responds
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-03-09 08:34
    @Matt: Beautiful solar bot. Weight is obviously critical. The solar panels are currently mounted on stylish but heavy acrylic.

    I can't help but think that some nice thin, stiff plywood would be a "green", weight-saving, energy-saving improvement... :)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-03-09 08:39
    Very nice Matt! Any statistics on battery longevity, charging, or powering without batteries?
  • Matt GillilandMatt Gilliland Posts: 1,406
    edited 2011-03-09 10:20
    @ khaled - the 30 watt panel is pretty large for the boebot - these little cells are much cheaper and may provide enough power - especially if supplemented with battery-backup. Keep us posted on your project!

    @Humanoido - Thanks. The *idea* belongs to Dave Andreae, I'm just helping the project along to make it a real-product.

    It's designed to run without batteries. It's tough to see in my poor photo, but there are two super-caps that store the energy (it takes 2 minutes to fully charge them). Once charged the test program simply drives the boebot around with ping pinging. If he loses sunshine, then he immediately realizes that he is "on borrowed energy" and has about 50 seconds of life left.

    "Sun, Sun, must find Sun before I die" (that's loosely translated BS2 code).

    @erco - thanks! And I totally agree with you - plywood is very "green" - especially when it gets wet and mildew sets in.

  • khaled alsalmankhaled alsalman Posts: 7
    edited 2011-03-09 15:07
    @ khaled - the 30 watt panel is pretty large for the boebot - these little cells are much cheaper and may provide enough power - especially if supplemented with battery-backup. Keep us posted on your project!

    Thank you very much, I was actually worried if its was enough or not for the 30 watt, I can afford that one which i will get in the next few days and try to see how it is going to work.

    and good luck with your project :)
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