She is... but.. You are not going to be able to keep up.. no one can. Tinker Fairies are like that.
Especially Holly....I beleive that even the speed of light can make her impatient at times..
"6.Do not remove or empty a message if others have replied. Keep the thread intact and available for others to search and read. If your problem was answered then edit your message and add "[Solved]" to the subject line of the original post, and cast an approval vote to the one or several answers that really helped you.
"6.Do not remove or empty a message if others have replied. Keep the thread intact and available for others to search and read. If your problem was answered then edit your message and add "[Solved]" to the subject line of the original post, and cast an approval vote to the one or several answers that really helped you.
Not a written rule, but, it's always good to respond to a poster when they have posted some good information over a few days with no response or accolades; such as I just did here:
What Publison said. I spent all day Sunday figuring out how to turn a 7-inch photo frame into a Prop display, and since this has been a popular topic at times I posted pics and some observations, with plans to blog it in detail. I got two responses. They were nice responses from people I respect, but still. I'll still blog it for posterity but the occasional attaboy would encourage more effort, y'know?
To me, posting projects is like throwing spaghetti at the wall. Some of it sticks, and some of it just slides off onto the floor. I just never know what people are going to be interested in, but I do it because it interests me. If something sticks, that's great. (If it sticks and helps to sell product, that's even better!) But the main thing is just to keep flinging spaghetti, because it will never stick to the wall if I don't.
Spaghetti night at Phil's house must be all kinds of fun...
some ramblings on this unwritten rule.
Not a written rule, but, it's always good to respond to a poster when they have posted some good information over a few days with no response or accolades
You guys come up with some SERIOUS topics, stuff that is way over My head, (I know that is not hard to do,)
it is just that I would not be able to contribute anything usefull to the thread, unless wonder and bewilderment are usefull.
Not that I don't appreciate the super tech talk, and I try to glean as much info as I can, I just don't need to lie to you,
or clutter up the good thread with thank you, and great job, cuz what I really mean is "what the heck is that thing??"
Saying "Thank You for posting" just doesn't have any real meaning, cuz I have no idea what You just said...:blank:
So that might be one reason some very interesting post's get only a few responses from the crowd.
On a different note, but still related':
I will look and see how many post's the poster has made, and will try to not let a brand new forum member's post
fall off the first page without at least a generic answer to the question.
I'm with Tailspin
I'd never let a new member drop of the page with a zero reply.
If you have some extra H3 stashed, I 'll trade you some Propeller code for it.
(to help you with your cold fusion reactor project)
This is Humors and not at all fitting to the Post.
But its having fun,So it's hard to kick it to the curb.
I gave up on the gratitude about 1200 posts ago.
LoL :-)
I really did read the post about the photo frame and thought it was interesting.
I have wondered about those really cheap Chinese photo frames that people have
on keychains....those would be fun if you could adapt them to a uc.
"And they do that kinda stuff in Israel. They are brilliant engineers."
Well, it's certainly not me you are talking about but I have seen some stuff
here you would not believe! :-)
... I got two responses. They were nice responses from people I respect, but still. I'll still blog it for posterity but the occasional attaboy would encourage more effort, y'know?
I'm not sure it will make you feel any better, but somebody once told me that internet postings often follow some kind of "rule of tens". For example, if you got 2 responses, that meant ten times the number of people read your message and cared, so it impacted 20 people. And ten times that number, or 200, probably read your posting, caring enough at least to click on it. And ten times that number probably saw it listed on the forum or some search engine. If you look at how many views vs. replies are posted on forum questions, I'd say that the rule of tens is at least a ballpark number. In any case, for what little it's worth, I lurk here a lot more than I post, and I see brilliant stuff all the time. But I'm sure people would get annoyed with me if I were continuously posting "Hey, cool stuff, Phil." Or "Roger, that's the craziest wild-@ss thing I've ever seen in my life!" So I try to lurk with quiet respect.
I like to thank everyone, by posted name. I don't know how it makes them feel, but it makes me feel good. I'm selfish, I suppose, but that's not important right now.
Here's another twist: Sometimes I post a question and get ZERO response. (This happens rarely.) I learn from that. For example, I asked about Power HD Servos. No one responded. That told me a lot. It implied to me that they were not highly popular to the people that form this forum, therefore, no responses. That response was valuable. But, recognizing the value in such a "response" takes a lot of forum-type experience. Many that post here do not have a lot of forum-type experience or any other experience.
(...shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...ewwww! It's bright out here!)
An observation - this subject has really tiggered a lot of responses (3 pages already). Guess it's touched a nerve in many Forum members.
I've seen the CodeGuru(?) forum list of expectations and thought it was pretty good; a tweaked version for this forum would be a fine idea.
One question to the moderators watching this thread, is it possible to have the rules & regs mandatory viewing? As in, unless a new member actually visits the page that contains the R&Rs, and then clicks the "I undersand" box, their Forum registration is not complete? (unless that's the way it is and it's been so long I forgot)
Notice I said "view", not read. No way can a person be forced to read something.....unless there is a test afterwards, and I don't believe Parallax would want to expend that much energy into building a testing function into the forum.
But, the two actions of being taken to the R&Rs page, and then clicking the box may convey a bit of seriousness to the new user.
I think Vaclav's original message was frustration over lack of followup from an OP. That has evolved into a suggested list of "forum rules" or perhaps "forum etiquette" that could be posted.
However, I think the popularity of this thread may be more from the off topic posts, that are intended to be humorous, more than from the original "subject matter" from Vaclav.
I am guilty (as many other's here are) of getting sidetracked with my posts -- but I didn't mean to be rude. The title of the thread "Just rant...." sort of leaves it open in my mind.
Here's how I see it...
Long-time forum members know how to ask questions, and are really good at "please and thank you". Many new forum members (myself included) swallowed-hard when they clicked "submit" for the first time - wondering if we're gonna get rebuked in some way.
Yes, you can't make someone *read* the guidelines, but maybe there could be a "check-box" like thingy when you sign up.
My point is this: Most newbies want to "fit right into the flow" of the forums, and they could now have a document that outlines what you'all know already - by virtue of the fact you'all have been here a long time.
Also, when a newbie posts something that isn't clear enough, or is somewhat harsh, etc., we'd all have a "learning resource document" to point them to, so that they can learn how to "fit right in". (Rather than any of you pros having to go into a long, tired, perhaps somewhat of a rebuke-ish mode).
So I like the ideas/points thus far, and let's give it a few days to mature and be refined, before I go to Bump and say "Hey Bump -you got lots of free time, why don't you weave this into our forum flow in your spare time?"
What Publison said. I spent all day Sunday figuring out how to turn a 7-inch photo frame into a Prop display, and since this has been a popular topic at times I posted pics and some observations, with plans to blog it in detail. I got two responses. They were nice responses from people I respect, but still. I'll still blog it for posterity but the occasional attaboy would encourage more effort, y'know?
To me, posting projects is like throwing spaghetti at the wall. Some of it sticks, and some of it just slides off onto the floor. I just never know what people are going to be interested in, but I do it because it interests me. If something sticks, that's great. (If it sticks and helps to sell product, that's even better!) But the main thing is just to keep flinging spaghetti, because it will never stick to the wall if I don't.
I've gotten used to my posts not generating much (if any) response. There are only a few of them but they mostly generate silence . As you say, they are out there for posterity.
I am interested in how the display works out. I just didn't think I had anything useful to add.
Here's another twist: Sometimes I post a question and get ZERO response. (This happens rarely.) I learn from that. For example, I asked about Power HD Servos. No one responded
That's one of those "I've seen them on the web site but I don't know anything about them" situations. I read the post hoping to see someone respond with their experience but I didn't feel like responding myself with "I know they exist."
I think the only "guidelines" that exist should be very general.
Less-than-general guidelines tend to restrict the free-flow exchange of ideas. The off-the-wall--almost stream of consciousness posts and replies--are the hallmark of innovation. The penalty for such is small: A portion, perhaps large, is trash. Scroll through it.
Plus, there are plenty of folks on this forum who have no problem correcting an errant poster, be it an oldie or newbie.
@Holly, EA, & Schill -- thanks for the props and encouragement. Intellectually I know a lot more people lurk than post and that with something like the photo frame project a lot of people might just go "Wow!" and not feel they have anything to add. And yeah, a culture of everybody yelling "Attaboy!" in unison x #_of_members would get a bit tedious. But if I see something I like by someone else that isn't being acknowledged I do try to drop in a "hey, cool" note. This thread has told me better than the original that there's enough interest to justify more work on that project. If people think the project is cool but nobody tells me, there's a good chance I'll drop it for something else.
Incidentally, I plan to have both the DVD player and photo frame with me at UPEW. If OBC or someone is reading and would like me to give a presentation about how I dunnit I'd be happy to :-)
Incidentally, I plan to have both the DVD player and photo frame with me at UPEW. If OBC or someone is reading and would like me to give a presentation about how I dunnit I'd be happy to :-)
Yet another reason to be annoyed that I won't be able to make UPEW this year. I had planned to (first UPEW I'd make it to) but things fell through. Should still be able to make UPEC and UPENE.
<hijack thread = on>
Not only is there a projector, but we have the coolest white-board ever, that's also specially formulated to act as a projector screen. It's like 11" tall and like 25' wide - pure white-board / projector screen heaven.
<hijack thread = off>
@ Vaclav - Thanks for keeping this thread on track, despite posts like mine :-)
It's like 11" tall and like 25' wide - pure white-board / projector screen heaven.
WoW! 11 inches tall and 25 feet wide!?
That's like super super super wide screen madness :-)
"6.Do not remove or empty a message if others have replied. Keep the thread intact and available for others to search and read. If your problem was answered then edit your message and add "[Solved]" to the subject line of the original post, and cast an approval vote to the one or several answers that really helped you.
I hate when that happens.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
I believe it keeps them coming back.
some ramblings on this unwritten rule. You guys come up with some SERIOUS topics, stuff that is way over My head, (I know that is not hard to do,)
it is just that I would not be able to contribute anything usefull to the thread, unless wonder and bewilderment are usefull.
Not that I don't appreciate the super tech talk, and I try to glean as much info as I can, I just don't need to lie to you,
or clutter up the good thread with thank you, and great job, cuz what I really mean is "what the heck is that thing??"
Saying "Thank You for posting" just doesn't have any real meaning, cuz I have no idea what You just said...:blank:
So that might be one reason some very interesting post's get only a few responses from the crowd.
On a different note, but still related':
I will look and see how many post's the poster has made, and will try to not let a brand new forum member's post
fall off the first page without at least a generic answer to the question.
I'd never let a new member drop of the page with a zero reply.
If you have some extra H3 stashed, I 'll trade you some Propeller code for it.
(to help you with your cold fusion reactor project)
This is Humors and not at all fitting to the Post.
But its having fun,So it's hard to kick it to the curb.
I gave up on the gratitude about 1200 posts ago.
LoL :-)
I really did read the post about the photo frame and thought it was interesting.
I have wondered about those really cheap Chinese photo frames that people have
on keychains....those would be fun if you could adapt them to a uc.
"And they do that kinda stuff in Israel. They are brilliant engineers."
Well, it's certainly not me you are talking about but I have seen some stuff
here you would not believe! :-)
(I'm just a Tinker Fairy who can program)
Du Mundy, plez help!!!!
I'm not sure it will make you feel any better, but somebody once told me that internet postings often follow some kind of "rule of tens". For example, if you got 2 responses, that meant ten times the number of people read your message and cared, so it impacted 20 people. And ten times that number, or 200, probably read your posting, caring enough at least to click on it. And ten times that number probably saw it listed on the forum or some search engine. If you look at how many views vs. replies are posted on forum questions, I'd say that the rule of tens is at least a ballpark number. In any case, for what little it's worth, I lurk here a lot more than I post, and I see brilliant stuff all the time. But I'm sure people would get annoyed with me if I were continuously posting "Hey, cool stuff, Phil." Or "Roger, that's the craziest wild-@ss thing I've ever seen in my life!" So I try to lurk with quiet respect.
It is POTATO CHIPS not Propeller chips! I can seldom help out, but this is an exception and I am glad to step up to the plate.
I like to thank everyone, by posted name. I don't know how it makes them feel, but it makes me feel good. I'm selfish, I suppose, but that's not important right now.
Here's another twist: Sometimes I post a question and get ZERO response. (This happens rarely.) I learn from that. For example, I asked about Power HD Servos. No one responded. That told me a lot. It implied to me that they were not highly popular to the people that form this forum, therefore, no responses. That response was valuable. But, recognizing the value in such a "response" takes a lot of forum-type experience. Many that post here do not have a lot of forum-type experience or any other experience.
But, they often have some great ideas!
An observation - this subject has really tiggered a lot of responses (3 pages already). Guess it's touched a nerve in many Forum members.
I've seen the CodeGuru(?) forum list of expectations and thought it was pretty good; a tweaked version for this forum would be a fine idea.
One question to the moderators watching this thread, is it possible to have the rules & regs mandatory viewing? As in, unless a new member actually visits the page that contains the R&Rs, and then clicks the "I undersand" box, their Forum registration is not complete? (unless that's the way it is and it's been so long I forgot)
Notice I said "view", not read. No way can a person be forced to read something.....unless there is a test afterwards, and I don't believe Parallax would want to expend that much energy into building a testing function into the forum.
But, the two actions of being taken to the R&Rs page, and then clicking the box may convey a bit of seriousness to the new user.
(yawn...back to the cave)
I don't really know if anything needs changed, seems like things take care of themselves pretty well.
Now as for the help on my robot...I'll knock that off for now.
However, I think the popularity of this thread may be more from the off topic posts, that are intended to be humorous, more than from the original "subject matter" from Vaclav.
I am guilty (as many other's here are) of getting sidetracked with my posts -- but I didn't mean to be rude. The title of the thread "Just rant...." sort of leaves it open in my mind.
But I must agree with CW:
Long-time forum members know how to ask questions, and are really good at "please and thank you". Many new forum members (myself included) swallowed-hard when they clicked "submit" for the first time - wondering if we're gonna get rebuked in some way.
Yes, you can't make someone *read* the guidelines, but maybe there could be a "check-box" like thingy when you sign up.
My point is this: Most newbies want to "fit right into the flow" of the forums, and they could now have a document that outlines what you'all know already - by virtue of the fact you'all have been here a long time.
Also, when a newbie posts something that isn't clear enough, or is somewhat harsh, etc., we'd all have a "learning resource document" to point them to, so that they can learn how to "fit right in". (Rather than any of you pros having to go into a long, tired, perhaps somewhat of a rebuke-ish mode).
So I like the ideas/points thus far, and let's give it a few days to mature and be refined, before I go to Bump and say "Hey Bump -you got lots of free time, why don't you weave this into our forum flow in your spare time?"
I've gotten used to my posts not generating much (if any) response. There are only a few of them but they mostly generate silence
I am interested in how the display works out. I just didn't think I had anything useful to add.
That's one of those "I've seen them on the web site but I don't know anything about them" situations. I read the post hoping to see someone respond with their experience but I didn't feel like responding myself with "I know they exist."
I think the only "guidelines" that exist should be very general.
Less-than-general guidelines tend to restrict the free-flow exchange of ideas. The off-the-wall--almost stream of consciousness posts and replies--are the hallmark of innovation. The penalty for such is small: A portion, perhaps large, is trash. Scroll through it.
Plus, there are plenty of folks on this forum who have no problem correcting an errant poster, be it an oldie or newbie.
Incidentally, I plan to have both the DVD player and photo frame with me at UPEW. If OBC or someone is reading and would like me to give a presentation about how I dunnit I'd be happy to :-)
Yet another reason to be annoyed that I won't be able to make UPEW this year. I had planned to (first UPEW I'd make it to) but things fell through. Should still be able to make UPEC and UPENE.
Not only is there a projector, but we have the coolest white-board ever, that's also specially formulated to act as a projector screen. It's like 11" tall and like 25' wide - pure white-board / projector screen heaven.
<hijack thread = off>
@ Vaclav - Thanks for keeping this thread on track, despite posts like mine :-)
WoW! 11 inches tall and 25 feet wide!?
That's like super super super wide screen madness :-)