Connecting four pin Dynamixel servos?
Hello I was looking at some of the objects for controlling Dynamixel servos and I noticed that the AX +12 & AX-18F use the standard 3 pin hook-up, but the rest use a 4 pin arrangment where the data pins are D+ and D-
Does anyone have experience with the 4 pin variety controled with a prop? In particular I'm looking at using the RX-24F, here:
Does anyone have experience with the 4 pin variety controled with a prop? In particular I'm looking at using the RX-24F, here:
cheers mate!
[EDIT BY BEAN] Do NOT delete your "system32" folder or your computer will not work afterwords. I assume he is joking. Bad joke in my opinion.
<CAUTION... RANT....> THIS IS A RANT: If it doesn't apply to you, please ignore it. If it does apply to you, then read and feel free to be offended... delete your reply... delete your account... go away...
Oh, that would be real helpful. And I guess you'll never reply to this so I'll just stick this out there like a giant green caterpillar on a log; just ready for the pickins by some big old hungry Blue Bird of Happiness. Doing this is about as smart as jumping from a bridge with a bungie cord that's connected to the bridge and your neck; you'll feel something for a moment, then all of your problems will in fact go away, ALL of your problems for ever!
Your advice is ill typed, wrong and not taken in any form of humor, and most explicitly off topic.
.... Ok, Rant over.......
I most humbly and sincerely apologize to anyone whom may be offended by the above remarks contained with in my rant above; that is unless your are the person whom posted it. It's people posting stuff like this that really and truly fries my transistors!
And some really cool kits they have.
A bit on the expensive side...
You'll need a chip to drive the RS-485 lines. JonnyMac has posted a tutorial on how to use these chips. The 5V versions of the chips are cheaper than the 3.3V versions but the 5V chips work fine with the Propeller.
The main difference with RS-485 is instead of sending the serial signal directly to the Dynamixel you send the signal to the chip which then sends it on to the Dynamixel. The chips aren't hard to use.
Let me know if you have trouble finding the information.
I've been doing some more research on my project and I think I'm going to use Hitec's HS-7940th. They're faster (0.06 vs. 0.079) than the Dynamixel RX-24F and I think that speed is going to be more important than strength (222 oz. vs. 360 oz.), but, if it's not too much to ask, could you could post a link to JonnyMac's tutorial. I'd like to know how to use them because I know that I'll be wanting to use them in the future. Thanks!