Haptic-Feedback system for the blind
Im considering a project and was looking for thoughts.
nothing is outlined yet just brainstorming
its for my 84yr old Grandmother who cant hear well either
nothing is outlined yet just brainstorming
its for my 84yr old Grandmother who cant hear well either
Build it modular and start with simple distance measuring first.
I scanned the article and it is more that just brainstrorm.
Personally I am not sure that person would wear "Jordy's visor" type of hat.
Keep in mind that eventually you would like to have the device as small as technology allows.
Do not get stuck with hardware, just the type you going to use when prototyping.
Good luck
I'll do both but the hand held version didn't go over to well.
edit:My gram passed away 8-26-11 so I wont be continuing this project.From what I did do,she wouldnt have been able to use it anyways.Maybe a younger person, more tech savy.