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Propeller doesn't boot when hot — Parallax Forums

Propeller doesn't boot when hot

ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
edited 2011-06-08 03:34 in Propeller 1

I just discovered a strange problem with the last batch of my propeller powered stepper drivers. About 10% of them hang at the boot procedure when powered up in hot (>60°C) state. When I let them cool down and then cycle power they come back to live normally. Also, when I boot the same drivers cold and let them heat up afterwards I can run them for hours at their max temperature (80°C) without problems. So it's only booting that fails.

I checked the EEPROM SCL and SDA lines. There is ~150ms silence then ~400ms activity. The crystal oscillator starts up normally (4.91MHz), so at least the XTAL/PLL config word is loaded correctly. Then there is no more activity on any pin. Supply voltage is rock solid at 3.3V. The board is a four layer full SMT multilayer. Every critical component (propeller, crystal, decoupling caps) is located within an area of <1in². The EEPROM is an Atmel AT24LC256.

Has anybody an idea what is going wrong? The propeller is rated for 125°C max ambient and the EEPROM for at least 70°C if I remember correctly. Next thing I'll check tomorry is that I'll exchange the EEPROM to se if that's the fault or if the propeller is to blame.


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-03-07 12:50
    I wonder if the PLL is starting at temp. As an experiment, try a non-PLL crystal mode and see if you get any pin activity.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-03-07 14:21
    Booting uses the fast internal RC clock (RCFAST) which is temperature sensitive. The EEPROM is not particularly timing sensitive. If the crystal oscillator is starting up, the boot process has finished loading the hub SRAM and is in the process of switching to the new clock mode or trying to start up the initial cog with the newly loaded program. Phil may be correct.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2011-03-07 17:52
    Hi ManAtWork

    I have never had any Propeller that have (>60°C) in run state RUN EVEN with frequencies on Crystal 14.318.180MHz PLL8.

    My thinking are (Sorry for that) Layouts problems on Yours PCB's

    ManAtWork wrote: »

    I just discovered a strange problem with the last batch of my propeller powered stepper drivers. About 10% of them hang at the boot procedure when powered up in hot (>60°C) state. When I let them cool down and then cycle power they come back to live normally. Also, when I boot the same drivers cold and let them heat up afterwards I can run them for hours at their max temperature (80°C) without problems. So it's only booting that fails.

    I checked the EEPROM SCL and SDA lines. There is ~150ms silence then ~400ms activity. The crystal oscillator starts up normally (4.91MHz), so at least the XTAL/PLL config word is loaded correctly. Then there is no more activity on any pin. Supply voltage is rock solid at 3.3V. The board is a four layer full SMT multilayer. Every critical component (propeller, crystal, decoupling caps) is located within an area of <1in². The EEPROM is an Atmel AT24LC256.

    Has anybody an idea what is going wrong? The propeller is rated for 125°C max ambient and the EEPROM for at least 70°C if I remember correctly. Next thing I'll check tomorry is that I'll exchange the EEPROM to se if that's the fault or if the propeller is to blame.
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 06:42
    Hello Sapieha,

    sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course, the propeller itself doesn't heat up that much. The whole device is a high power stepper motor driver with large MOSFETs and a heatsink below the PCB. The power stage delivers 10A @ 80V and this is the reason why this beast is getting quite hot. To clarify I attached a picture.

    And no, this is not a PCB layout problem. As I said, this is a 4 layer board. It has a solid signal ground plane on the left and a solid power ground plane on the right side which share only one single star point. There is also a solid 3.3V power plane and multiple 4.7uF and 0.1uF decoupling caps. Crystal and EEPROM are as close as possible to the propeller. The power stage is disabled during start-up with an external flipflop and only enabled after booting. All external signals are isolated with optocouplers so I'm sure there is no noise during booting.

    Hello Mike and Phil,

    thanks for the comment. But as I understand the propeller data sheet, having a 4.91MHz crystal and running the x16 PLL mode is fully legal for a range from -55 to +125°C junction temperature. The propeller draws less than 50mA at 3.3V, so assuming <100K/W thermal resistance, junction temperature should be well below 125°C (80°C + 0.165W*100K/W = 96.5°C). Or am I wrong somewhere?

    Best reagrds
    757 x 301 - 59K
    709 x 396 - 95K
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 06:59
    Ok, good news: I just found out that the propeller is not the fault. When I chill the EEPROM with "canned frost" (don't know how this is called in english, looks like a can of spray paint but with a liquid that cools down extremely when evaporating) booting succeeds normally even when the propeller is hot. I'll have to investigate further. Although I can't examine the actual data contents I can take an eye diagram of the EEPROM data sent to the propeller...
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2011-03-08 07:01
    Hi ManAtWork.

    As I wrote in many of my threads/posts on decoupling PROPELLER.
    In most situations needs at least 10uF-Tantalum Bulk Capacitor on Voltage pins near XTal. Optimal 33uF with fast recovery that can compensate Voltage drops on XTal internal driving system that comes from START/STOP/RESTART COG's and PIN output stages that are Power consuming devices with fast Power change.
    ManAtWork wrote: »
    Hello Sapieha,

    sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course, the propeller itself doesn't heat up that much. The whole device is a high power stepper motor driver with large MOSFETs and a heatsink below the PCB. The power stage delivers 10A @ 80V and this is the reason why this beast is getting quite hot. To clarify I attached a picture.

    And no, this is not a PCB layout problem. As I said, this is a 4 layer board. It has a solid signal ground plane on the left and a solid power ground plane on the right side which share only one single star point. There is also a solid 3.3V power plane and multiple 4.7uF and 0.1uF decoupling caps. Crystal and EEPROM are as close as possible to the propeller. The power stage is disabled during start-up with an external flipflop and only enabled after booting. All external signals are isolated with optocouplers so I'm sure there is no noise during booting.

    Hello Mike and Phil,

    thanks for the comment. But as I understand the propeller data sheet, having a 4.91MHz crystal and running the x16 PLL mode is fully legal for a range from -55 to +125°C junction temperature. The propeller draws less than 50mA at 3.3V, so assuming <100K/W thermal resistance, junction temperature should be well below 125°C (80°C + 0.165W*100K/W = 96.5°C). Or am I wrong somewhere?

    Best reagrds
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-03-08 09:08

    Would you be willing to tell us a little about your stepper driver? Is the Propeller just acting as a step translator or does it also perform some other auxilliary functions?

  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 09:20

    I had no real luck with the scope. I can't find a difference in the timing between hot and cold. The rising edges on the data line are quite slow (~1µs) but that should be ok for I²C operation. The propeller outputs aprox. 250kHz on SCL. The bi-directional data flow makes it somewhat difficult to analyze the timing. Because of the start/stop bits there are state changes at half the clock duration.

    However, the symptoms are clear:
    * added a 22µF tantalum and a 330µF aluminium low-ESR cap - no change
    * power on with finger on the EEPROM (cooling to ~40°C) - successful boot
    * frost spray to the propeller - problems persist
    * re-programmed the EEPROM - problems persist
    * exchanged EEPROM with new one - problems persist ??? :-(

    Especially the last one makes me worry. Looks like there is something wrong with the PCB (micro cracks?) or the propeller timing in general, so that the EEPROM is just at its limit and fails when hot.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2011-03-08 09:20
    Hi ManAtWork.

    From picture You send ----> Very nice device
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-03-08 09:22
    What value pull up do you have on the SDA line?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-03-08 09:29
    Jazzed, that's a very good question! I've never liked the recommended 10K value. 4.7K (or even lower for 3.3V work) is better.

  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 09:33
    Hello Bruce,

    the propeller performs all tasks of the stepper driver except for the safety functions (power stage disable if over/undervoltage or short circuit detected). Two cogs manage the current control loops (PWM), two generate the reference signal wave (interpolated sine/cosine wave), one processes the step dir input signals and the main cog (spin) takes care of the user interface (DIP switches, status LEDs, error handling etc.). Additionally there's an ADC (simple sawtooth comparator) that measures motor load for resonance damping.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-03-08 09:43

    Are you sure about the part number on that EEPROM? Atmel does not list an "LC" version.

  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 09:50
    Hello Jazzed and Phil,

    I just added a 2k2 pullup to the SDA line. Now, the propeller doesn't boot at all, even when cold.
    Now I'm really confused! I removed the pullup and the booting is successful again, so I didn't damage anything.

    If it was just one unit I'd say I zapped the pin PA29 output driver with static discharge or something which would then be too weak to pull SDA low reliably. But I think the chance is rather low that I managed to zap 5 devices in the exact same way. (5 out of 50 failed) What makes me also wonder is that I can't see a difference with the scope. If the pin was damaged statically I should see a rised logical low level.
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 09:57
    Are you sure about the part number on that EEPROM? Atmel does not list an "LC" version.

    Sorry about that. I looked it up and the marking on the part is
    2EB 1

    "930" is the date code, september 2009
    The data sheet for AT24C256C claims that the marking should be 2EC instead of 2EB. So this might be an older version. I bought it at a trustworthy european distributor (Arrow), so I hope these are no chinese fakes. I have to look up the bill for the exact type description.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-03-08 10:06
    If you have access to a different EEPROM, I'd certainly give that a try.

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-03-08 10:08
    What resistor did you have before? Did you replace it or add one to it?
    I use 4.7K pull ups typically ... 3.3K would work. 2.2K might be too strong.
    The rise time is the key factor and could be influenced by your finger capacitance.

    As Phil suggests, a new EEPROM is worth trying at some point.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2011-03-08 10:14
    Hi ManAtWork.

    If I had money to buy that one that fail I have be tested that intensively With all my experiences on PROPELLER over clocking It is good chance I can find what problem them have.
    BUT as I can only see pictures without SCH and how all parts are placed in conjunction to others I can only have ides what happens.

    BUT my mistake are still --- Missing in some place on PCB Some Flatbeds else some correctly dimensioned Capacitor Values --- And as if You use 10%-20% tolerance that can on some build PCB's give big differences from PCB to PCB

    Have good look in finding problems

    ManAtWork wrote: »
    Hello Jazzed and Phil,

    I just added a 2k2 pullup to the SDA line. Now, the propeller doesn't boot at all, even when cold.
    Now I'm really confused! I removed the pullup and the booting is successful again, so I didn't damage anything.

    If it was just one unit I'd say I zapped the pin PA29 output driver with static discharge or something which would then be too weak to pull SDA low reliably. But I think the chance is rather low that I managed to zap 5 devices in the exact same way. (5 out of 50 failed) What makes me also wonder is that I can't see a difference with the scope. If the pin was damaged statically I should see a rised logical low level.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-03-08 11:18

    Sounds like a nice driver. Do you have any plans to start marketing these drivers? Anyhow, I hope you determine the source of your problems. Good luck with it.

  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 11:55
    Hi Bruce,

    I already do. I sold ~200 of them last year and 300 more of a similar type but with 3 motor outputs, also propeller powered. Of course, if somebody would do serious marketing I could probably sell 1000s. But it would be a good idea to fix the problems first. ;-)

    Hello Jazzed,

    I normally use 10k. I added the 2k2 in parallel. If I add 2k2 to a good board it doesn't hang. Now I've put the 2k2 resistor back to the bad drive and ... it doesn't hang, too. Even more confusion :-(

    Hello Sepieha,

    sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I think overclocking has nothing to do with my problem. Cog startup, power stage driving, output pin enabling, all that happens after the hub memory is loaded from EEPROM. Once booted there is no problem at all even if the board gets really hot, even if there are massive spikes from shorting the motor leads. If my layout was bad I should have problems when the device is active.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2011-03-08 12:08

    In time I experimented with overclocking I had many similar problems You describe BUT if You say You dont understand -- I think I not have much to say more

    Hello Sepieha,

    sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I think overclocking has nothing to do with my problem. Cog startup, power stage driving, output pin enabling, all that happens after the hub memory is loaded from EEPROM. Once booted there is no problem at all even if the board gets really hot, even if there are massive spikes from shorting the motor leads. If my layout was bad I should have problems when the device is active.
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-08 12:40
    Hello again,

    just to be sure I tried to replace the propeller chip. It didn't help, the problem sticks to the board. I think I have to try out a different brand of EEPROM. Unfortunatelly, the only different one I have at the moment is on the demo board and that has an TSSOP package that doesn't fit. I'll have to order some.

    Sapieha, don't understand me wrong. If I don't believe you it doesn't mean that you're wrong. I'll also try out a different crystal (4.0 MHz maybe). An interesting thing to mention is that I have manage to re-animate a bad board by hitting one of the crystal pins with the scope tip. But that happened only once and I couldn't reproduce it.

    For today I have to give up. I'll be back on Friday.

    Thanks for your help
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-03-08 13:39
    ManAtWork wrote: »
    I normally use 10k. I added the 2k2 in parallel. If I add 2k2 to a good board it doesn't hang. Now I've put the 2k2 resistor back to the bad drive and ... it doesn't hang, too. Even more confusion :-(
    If you have a 10K and 2.2K resistor in parallel, effectively you have a 1K ohm pull up. Some boards may work and some boards may not ... that's what you're seeing. Replacing the EEPROM and removing the 2.2K resistor (leaving the 10K in place) will probably fix that board. Even if it does though, a 4.7K ohm resistor should be used instead of 10K, but that's a risk assessed choice for you to make.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-03-08 13:45
    jazzed wrote:
    If you have a 10K and 2.2K resistor in parallel, effectively you have a 1K ohm pull up.
    Actually, 10K || 2.2K is 1.8K, but still too small. 4.7K should be okay. A 3.3K resistor at 3.3V will source about as much current as a 4.7K resistor at 5V. That's the reason I thought something smaller than the usual 4.7K used in 5V systems would be better for 3.3V systems if rise time is an issue. But I've always used 4.7K with the Propeller without a problem.

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-03-08 15:47
    Actually, 10K || 2.2K is 1.8K ...
    Yep. Guess I used 1200 instead of 2200 in my calculation. More coffee for me ....
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-03-09 00:11
    I've had another idea: What if one of the propeller's output pins is shorted. Enabling that output after boot could cause a power glitch with unpredictable results. I'll have to check that. I don't know why the timing/temperature of the EEPROM has influence on this. Maybe it's just unlucky timing. Not very likely,but you never know...

    Some more thoughts... Is there a possibility of reading/verifying the EEPROM with the propeller tool without re-writing it? I could do a verify (compare against known good image) in the hot state. Is there a tool to read out the hub RAM after a crash?
  • Nick McClickNick McClick Posts: 1,003
    edited 2011-03-09 10:41
    What happens when the temperature goes up...
    - Stuff expands
    - caps de-rate
    - Internal clocks run fast
    - Vreg's turn off

    It's hard to say without a schematic (and that might not help, anyway), but my list would be either something mechanical (something expands and opens under heat), something on the power stage, or something with the xtal. What is the Vreg rated for and how hot does it get? What are the specs for the xtal? Does the Prop work when hot without using the xtal? What's the Vin of the Vreg? boards were e-tested before assembly, right?

    I've never had a problem when shorting a propeller output pin. My hunch is something wrong with the Vreg that causes it to drop out when the xtal switches on, or an out of spec xtal.
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-06-01 06:54
    I found some time, again, to do more investigations. The next batch still has an unacceptably high failure rate. Now, I took 10 bad boards and changed the EEPROM from Atmel to a Microchip 24LC256. This seemed to cure the problem on only two of the boards. The rest still don't boot, some only when hot, some even when cold.

    But I found out something different. When I touch one of the crystal pins with the probe tip of my multimeter the voltage changes from 0.3V (non oscillating) to around 1.5V (oscillating). When I hold the tip on the crystal all the time while switching power on, any of the bad boards boots sucessfully and is working perfectly even when I remove the tip later. So it seems to be a crystal problem. As the crystal is located directly next to the EEPROM, cooling the EEPROM also affected the crystal.

    I don't use real quartz crystals but ceramic resonators from Murata (CSTCC 4.91MHz). Maybe they need a different load capacity. Or they require some noise to start up properly. I like the ceramic crystals because they are smaller than cheap standard crystals at 5MHz. From my experience they are much more forgiving than standard quartz crystals and start up more quickly even with only a 74HC00 gate as "amplifier". I never had problems with them and sold 1000s of Altera and AVR based products with ceramic crystals. But the propeller seems to be different. I tried different clock modes (XTAL1 and XTAL3) but it makes no difference.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2011-06-01 07:33
    I doubt if the Propeller will work properly with a ceramic resonator, the oscillator was designed for a crystal and has a 6 PF input capacitance. Other MCUs are quite happy with ceramic resonators.

    I think that there have been discussions about suitable crystals on this forum.
  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,183
    edited 2011-06-01 08:21
    Do you know a 5MHz crystal that costs <$0.30 @1k quantities and doesn't need more space than say a SO8 package (e.g. smaller than a HC49 footprint)?

    I just exchanged 3 of the crystals on the bad boards with new ones. They immediately worked without problems. The bad ones need remarkably longer to startup oszillation (200..500µs) whereas the good ones startup <150µs. And I had a very strange phenomenon, again. One of the bad boards magicaly cured after pressing the probe tip several times on the pins. Maybe it has to do with mechanical stress (sometimes due to thermal expansion)?
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