Timer Obj crashes my program
Trying to figure out why the TImer Obj would cause wierd issues in my program. My program uses getStr to receive a message from my GPS every 100ms, then continues to execute the Main loop below. The PUB LapTimer below captures IR and manipulates the TIMER. I have narrowed it down to:
When I call getStr from FullDuplexSerial and any ref to the Timer Obj. I can use either successfully, but when I try to have them both working at the same time my program goes whacky.
Example, I can comment out the getStr line (first line of main loop) OR I can comment out the references to TIM in the LapTimer function. But if both are included the program dies.
Any help is appreciated!
When I call getStr from FullDuplexSerial and any ref to the Timer Obj. I can use either successfully, but when I try to have them both working at the same time my program goes whacky.
Example, I can comment out the getStr line (first line of main loop) OR I can comment out the references to TIM in the LapTimer function. But if both are included the program dies.
Any help is appreciated!
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '_xinfreq = 5_000_000 _clkfreq = 80_000_000 cmd_length = 256 GPS_BAUD = 57600 GPS_RX = 1 GPS_TX = 0 clockDataPin = 29 clockClockPin = 28 cardDataOutPin = 12 cardClockPin = 13 cardDataInPin = 14 cardChipSelectPin = 15 BRAKE_POT = 26 THROTTLE_POT = 27 angleCS = 16 angleDIO = 17 angleCLK = 18 _irpin = 24 _ics = 6300 _icd = 1300 VAR '-----Program Direction long funct 'what are we doing? '-----GPS Variables long x 'Counter long y 'GPS Bytes byte z[10] '-----New Session Number long fileNum 'Current log file '-----Bike Control Measurements long potPos1 'POT Position long potPos2 long potPin 'Current POT long pot1low long pot1high long pot2low long pot2high '-----Lean Angle Sensor long Pitch long Roll '-----Blinky Status LED Byte statLED '-----User Shutdown Byte shutDown 'Detect user off '-----Lap Timer long ibuff 'index buff long buff[60] 'store sample times long stack[60] 'for sample running in cog long lap 'check timing byte irmode byte beacon byte valid byte first long clock OBJ PST : "Parallax Serial Terminal" GPS : "FullDuplexSerialPlus" POT : "BlakePOT3" FAT : "SD2.0_FATEngine.spin" NUM : "Numbers" TIM : "Timer" PUB Main if PST.Start(115200) pst.str(string("PST Started!")) pst.char($0D) if GPS.start(GPS_RX, GPS_TX, 0, GPS_BAUD) 'startup GPS serial pst.str(string("GPS Started!")) pst.char($0D) else pst.str(string("GPS Failed!")) pst.char($0D) if FAT.FATEngineStart(cardDataOutPin, cardClockPin, cardDataInPin, cardChipSelectPin, clockDataPin, clockClockPin) pst.str(string("FAT Started!")) pst.char($0D) else pst.str(string("FAT Failed!")) pst.char($0D) NUM.init pst.str(string("NUM Started!")) pst.char($0D) cognew(LapTimer,@stack[1000]) pst.str(string("LAP Started!")) pst.char($0D) if TIM.start pst.str(string("TIM Started!")) pst.char($0D) else pst.str(string("TIM Failed!")) pst.char($0D) pst.char($0D) funct := 5 statLED := 0 shutDown := 0 repeat if funct == 5 pst.str(string("Begin Data Logging!")) pst.char($0D) pst.char($0D) waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) repeat while shutDown <> 1 statLED++ GPS.getstr(Str12) PST.str(Str12) FAT.writestring(Str12) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") POT.Main(BRAKE_POT,@potPos1) FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(potPos1, num#dec)) pst.dec(potPos1) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(pot1low, num#dec)) pst.dec(pot1low) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(pot2high, num#dec)) pst.dec(pot1high) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") POT.Main(THROTTLE_POT,@potPos1) FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(potPos1, num#dec)) pst.dec(potPos1) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(pot2low, num#dec)) pst.dec(pot2low) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") FAT.writestring(NUM.tostr(pot2high, num#dec)) pst.dec(pot2high) FAT.writestring(string(",")) pst.char(",") if lap == 0 pst.str(clock) if lap == 1 FAT.writestring(clock) pst.str(clock) lap := 0 clock := string("---") FAT.writebyte($0D) PST.char($0D) if ina[23] == 1 shutDown := 1 if statLED == 5 if dira[25] == 1 dira[25] := outa[25] := 0 else dira[25] := outa[25] := 1 statLED := 0 pst.char($0D) pst.char($0D) pst.char($0D) pst.str(string("Stop Indicated!")) pst.char($0D) FAT.closefile waitcnt(clkfreq / 2 + cnt) FAT.unmountPartition waitcnt(clkfreq / 2 + cnt) pst.str(string("Ready To Power Off!")) dira[25] := outa[25] := 0 funct := 99 PUB LapTimer | kbd, n, i, mark, space waitcnt(clkfreq * 5 + cnt) clock := string("---") irmode := 0 first := 0 lap := 0 repeat if irmode == 0 waitcnt(clkfreq * 5 + cnt) repeat 30 waitpeq(0,|<_irpin,0) 'wait for any ir on buff[ibuff++] := cnt waitpeq(|<_irpin, |<_irpin, 0) 'wait for space buff[ibuff++] := cnt irmode := 1 if irmode == 1 beacon := 1 valid := 0 i := 2 repeat i from 2 to ibuff step 2 space:=(buff[i ]-buff[i-1])/80 'space used if beacon == 3 if space < (_icd + 100) if space > (_icd - 100) beacon := 1 valid++ if beacon == 2 if space < (_icd + 100) if space > (_icd - 100) beacon := 3 else beacon := 1 if beacon == 1 if space < (_ics + 100) if space > (_ics - 100) beacon := 2 else beacon := 1 if valid == 3 if first == 1 clock := TIM.ShowTimer 'string("lap") TIM.reset TIM.run lap := 1 if first == 0 TIM.reset TIM.run first++ irmode := 0 ibuff~ n~ i~ quit irmode := 0 ibuff~ n~ i~ DAT Str12 word "1", 0
Also, your usage of Str12 is questionable. You want to refer to it as @Str12. With that out of the way what is the expected length of the string returned by the getStr method call (you only have two words reserved, i.e. 4 bytes)?