A couple electrical questions
Hi collection of human beings who follow this forum due to their interest in the chip known as Propeller I,
I have just received my Propeller Education Kit which by the way is great and really well done. I had a couple basic questions:
* What would happen if by mistake I had a pin tied to GND without a resistance, and then configured it as output and set it to 1? Would it fry just this pin, or the whole Propeller?
* Same question with a pin tied to VCC and outputting 0.
I have just received my Propeller Education Kit which by the way is great and really well done. I had a couple basic questions:
* What would happen if by mistake I had a pin tied to GND without a resistance, and then configured it as output and set it to 1? Would it fry just this pin, or the whole Propeller?
* Same question with a pin tied to VCC and outputting 0.
Don't plan to subject the Prop to supply voltages in excess of 4V though, make sure you put bypass / filter capacitors (like 0.1uF/100nF) across both pairs of Vdd/Vss pins, and make sure you have short, substantial connections between the Vdd pins and between the Vss pins.
Thanks a lot for the fast reply Mike, the setup from the Education Kit indeed has two bypass capacitors (one per regulator), which I imagine is good practice. I'm unsure why there is a 5V regulator in addition to the 3.3V one, I guess later in the kit some devices will require 5V input -- also this would provide an additional level of protection in case of over/under voltage?