Another StingRay mystery...
I want to pilot my Stingray with my Spektrum DX5e radio. I stripped down the RX object to four channels and changed the demo to use PST. That small program works perfectly well when running on PropUSB. When loaded on the Stingray, the two first channels are not recognized anymore... Don't understand what happens...
I could not get the PWM signal from an R/C receiver to work going through the translators.
I am using the translators... do I have to bypass them and use a simple resistance instead ?
Not a nice design ! Easier to throw the board in the basket and use a simple PropUSB...
I have had problems getting rx.spin to read four channels accurately. To make it work better I have started and stopped the object, passing a different first channel, and ignoring the other three channels. You can by time slicing your sampling each channel (which causes some control lag) or by assigning a cog to each channel you want to measure. I don't know if I have to do that because of the translators, I never thought of that. But reading only the first channel per instance of the object does work.
Now I wonder if bypassing the translators will solve my problems with that object reading four channels..
Now that I have a solution for:
- the special plugs, ordered at Mouser with large shipping costs...
- the power pack... LiFe with 6.6V is too low, replaced with LiPo...
- bypassing translators... but holding the RC connectors...
Funny enough there is some use for:
- USB connexion...
- DC-DC convertors...
- Funny motor drivers...
To be honest, it would be much more effective to ship the StingRay with a simple "education kit" !
- bypass the translator
- patch 4 pins to the breadboard
- bring 5V and ground too
- add four 1K resistors
- connect RX to breadboard
Test OK
I drive the Stingray from my TX, like a tank...