Lithium supply crisis by 2015?
Why All Cell Phone Batteries Could Disappear By 2015
The More We Use It the More We Lose It
Lithium is difficult to find and excavate. Tiny amounts are found in compounds everywhere, including in the bodies of mammals, but in extremely small quantities. The best way to mine it is to dig under the beds of dried lakes with high saline contents, where volcanoes in wet climates leached groundwater into a landlocked basin tens of thousands of years ago not exactly in your backyard. Very few places on the globe match these exacting conditions, and some of them are politically problematic.
Crisis by 2015?
A shortage could affect the price of laptop computers, as well as cause a slowdown in the production of hybrid electric cars that could cripple new initiatives in Detroit, and undermine President Obamas plans to reduce our dependence on oil. The car manufacturer Mitsubishi has predicted a worldwide supply crisis by 2015 if new reserves are not discovered. Obama has called for at least 1 million of these plug-in vehicles on the roads by then. Conventional nickel-cadmium batteries do not allow them to store as much energy or drive as far as lithium, which has been a major impediment to the future success of electric cars. New advances in nanotechnology may allow more lithium than ever before to be stored inside hybrid car batteries, as much as 10 times the previous levels, putting even more pressure on global supplies.
The More We Use It the More We Lose It
Lithium is difficult to find and excavate. Tiny amounts are found in compounds everywhere, including in the bodies of mammals, but in extremely small quantities. The best way to mine it is to dig under the beds of dried lakes with high saline contents, where volcanoes in wet climates leached groundwater into a landlocked basin tens of thousands of years ago not exactly in your backyard. Very few places on the globe match these exacting conditions, and some of them are politically problematic.
Crisis by 2015?
A shortage could affect the price of laptop computers, as well as cause a slowdown in the production of hybrid electric cars that could cripple new initiatives in Detroit, and undermine President Obamas plans to reduce our dependence on oil. The car manufacturer Mitsubishi has predicted a worldwide supply crisis by 2015 if new reserves are not discovered. Obama has called for at least 1 million of these plug-in vehicles on the roads by then. Conventional nickel-cadmium batteries do not allow them to store as much energy or drive as far as lithium, which has been a major impediment to the future success of electric cars. New advances in nanotechnology may allow more lithium than ever before to be stored inside hybrid car batteries, as much as 10 times the previous levels, putting even more pressure on global supplies.
Save them for ebay....
Yep, instead of Litium we'll probably be using dilithium (crystals) to power everything...... ;-)
NiZn Nickel Zinc batteries or Zinc Bromide energy storage systems for much bigger applications look interesting...
Mark this post as....Problem solved.
If the "Yellowstone" volcano erupts, it will solve ALL problems in North America. But, you knew that. So, it's not a surprise. Therefore, you understand it. Understanding brings acceptance. Acceptance precedes expectation. Expectation generates excitement!
Gee. I dunno about this stream of consciousness stuff. Pretty soon you could talk yourself into hammering your toe, or something.
Anyway, Yellowstone, which has recently shown some MINOR activity by quietly raising the surface of planet Earth several hundred (several thousand?) square miles by several inches, is a deal breaker for civilization, for sure.
ps I live just outside the 500 mile radius immediate, total kill zone. I suppose ash might be a problem. Or lava flows. I'd hate that. Especially if the earthquakes gave a tilt to Kansas.
But the shock wave will hit me about 1 1/2 days later. This will level every thing that I have above ground.
But Hay; We'll be the next 100year supplier of lithium.
But hope is on the way: in light of the potential catastrophe, the new US Congress is planning on cutting Yellowstone's budget to zero and laying off all the park rangers. So our worries are over.
But hope is on the way: in light of the potential catastrophe, the new US Congress is planning on cutting Yellowstone's budget to zero and laying off all the park rangers. So our worries are over. ................> This is even sader that we have come to this
I will have to save ALL Time to start boxing up my old laptop batteries... In a short time they will be worth a fortune (recycle weight by the pound.) and wait until I get the most money for them
This was in in there green/news/0811_powergenix_nizn_new_battery_technology part it said this "in spite of this success, don't look for PowerGenix brand batteries to be on sale at your local Radio Shack or under the hood of a Prius anytime soon. Although the company already manufactures its NiZn cells for use in power tools, electric scooters, electric bikes, and for companies selling rechargeable AA and AAA batteries,"
Now to me this part is real Smile........>
" PowerGenix has opted not to create a brand name for its batteries (the company doesn't want to take on the big-spending bunny).
This part is ok.........>
" Regarding automotive applications, PowerGenix plans to license its technology."
Maybe it will solve the crisis.