Propeller As FTP Client
I am needing to get a string of data updated every 15 seconds to an off site web server that will be processing the data. The web server can be setup with any protocol needed, but I was thinking FTP possibly to transfer the data. What do you guys think? Anyone had any experience doing something similar? Thank you,
For just a few bytes every few seconds send them in a normal http request. Encoded into the url as parameters. Have a cgi script serve up that page and extract the data from the requests.
The web server can pass parameters from within the request to a cgi script thst you write in the language of your choice.
The cgi script is expected to output the html used as the response. You can keep that very simple.
Fun part is that you can experiment with all this by manually telneting to your server, type in the request and see the response come back.
Not sure how one would handle security. As it stands anyone could send any data into your server in the same way. Perhaps you need to encrypt the data in the request parameters plus salt plus checksum with a simple cipher like the TEA algorithm.